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Yes they can stay dorman for a while and active again. In some bacteriaphages there is a replicaiton cycle exist called lysogenic cycle where the phage DNA kept dormant in host. but this can change when a stimuli triggers them, it enters to lytic cycle and kill the host.

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Q: Virus that has ability to remain dormant?
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A hallmark of the virus group is the ability to infect a host and then become dormant. CMV can remain dormant for years. Even in periods without symptoms, the virus can still be periodically shed from the body in fluids like tears.

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Lysogeny is when a virus incorporates its genetic material into its hostâ??s genome. This allows the virus to remain dormant until it enters the lytic stage, during which the virus reproduces.

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The Norwalk virus (Norovirus) does not have a lyosgenic cycle. It does not remain dormant as lysogenic viruses can.

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Any virus that is not modifying a cells behavior is considered dormant; it may be in a cell but not active, or outside a cell (where it can't be active).

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The Norwalk virus (Norovirus) does not have a lyosgenic cycle. It does not remain dormant as lysogenic viruses can. It is lytic and is considered virulent as many lytic viruses are. Most bacteriophages are lysogenic. See link below:

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