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What Will I Do?

The day just kept getting worse. Inderbir Kaur had just stepped out of the house wanting to run back in immediately. She had just received the third phone call today and the man's voice sent chills up her spine. ''Go back to your own country! We don't need you here!'' Inderbir was already scared about coming to Canada. Now that she was here, she couldn't even imagine herself staying.

Inderbir had a dastar on her head. She didn't know how they treated people here. Just when she was thinking, she heard another call, ding ding! She was looking at the number. It said, ''Unknown number''. She called her mom to pick up the phone. Her mom came running when the phone, nearly stopped ringing. Then her mom picked up the phone. She wasn't talking, all Inderbir heard her saying was, ''It's okay''. When her mom put down the phone, Inderbir immediately asked, ''What did he say?" Her mom said, "After he heard my voice, he said wrong number."

The next day when she woke up, she was so excited because, it was her first day at her new school. When her bus came, no one was letting her sit anywhere. She asked to sit with a girl but, she said, "no." The only seat empty was a seat they called the kylf seat. after she made up her mind and sat there. Then when the came to school, no one was playing with her.

The next day, was a Saturday so, she obviously never had

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Q: WHAT countries have churches that are involved in Tear fund?
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What does the name tear fund stand for?

The Evangelical Alliance Relief FUND

Why did tear fund start?

tear-fund started because of all the poverty and lack of water and sanitation in different parts of the country

Who started tear fund?

cliff Richards

Where was tear fund originally set up?

What does the tear fund do?

Tear fund is a charity that fights against poverty. It's work helps people all over the world recover from terrible disasters and get their life back together and leave the world with nothing to worry about tear fund needs money to keep it going so donate now at

Where does the name tearfund come from?

It's The Evangelical Alliance Relief (TEAR) fund.

When did Tear Fund Start?

They first registered as a charity on May 6th 1973.

What does the tear fund spend their money on?

Converting poor unsuspecting helpless people to christianity.

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