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A:The answer to this must look at two issues: the record of Jesus' birth and the record of other virgin births.

The only known record of the life of Jesus is in the gospels, so we need to look at the provenance of the gospels. In spite of the gospels being named after the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they were actually written anonymously long after the death of Jesus and only assigned to the apostles whose names they now bear, later in the second century. We also know that the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were substantially based on the Gospel of Mark, as evidenced in part by the use of the same words in the Greek language. Matthew, for example, has some 600 of the 666 verses in Mark. From this, we can say that the authors of Matthew and Luke learnt everything they knew about the life and mission of Jesus from Mark's Gospel.

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke both tell us of the virgin birth of Jesus, but they did not find this in Mark's Gospel, nor in the 'Q' document which they also used as a source of sayings attributed to Jesus. Moreover, the two nativity accounts are so entirely contradictory that they could not really be historically true. The consensus of biblical scholars is that the two authors created the accounts of a virgin birth because this was needed if Christianity was to compete in a pagan world.

As for other virgin births, there were many recorded in the pagan world. By the first century CE, gods and god-men were almost expected to be born from virgin mothers. The question becomes not how many there were, but would the reader believe in any of them. And then, should the reader believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.

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Q: Was the birth of Jesus Christ the only recorded virgin birth?
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