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Yes, they do. Several sources from the Church, both historically and modern, refer to the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. For example:

Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Apostle from 1972 to 1985, stated, "Our Lord is the only mortal person ever born to a virgin... Modernistic teachings denying the virgin birth are utterly and completely apostate and false." (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed pp. 822)

Elder James E. Talmage, Apostle from 1911 to 1933, wrote much about the virgin birth in his exhaustive volume, Jesus the Christ, including this phrase, "Mary the Virgin gave birth to her firstborn, the Son of the Highest, the Only Begotten of the Eternal Father, Jesus the Christ." (pp. 92)

Alexander B. Morrison, a Seventy from 1987 to 2000, said, "He, the literal Son of God, the offspring of a virgin mother and the Mighty Father, preached his wondrous gospel of love... Scholars make a mockery of Christ by denying his virgin birth and resurrection." (Liahona, April 1995, pp. 11)

President Ezra Taft Benson said that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ was the first of the five marks of His divinity. He warns against trying to give "natural explanations to those things which are divine" and that the "paternity of Jesus is one of the 'mysteries of godliness', which may only be comprehended by the spiritually minded." (New Era, Dec. 1980, pp. 44)

To deny the virgin birth of Jesus Christ is to deny the prophesies of the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon, as well as the Gospels of the New Testament, especially the Gosepl of Luke, which goes quite in depth as to how Jesus Christ was concived of a virgin mother and a divine Father. Mormons believe that the conception of Jesus Christ happened just as Luke 1:35 and Alma 7:10 describe, she was overshadowed by the power of God the Father. Because God the Father is perfectly divine and immortal, Mary remained a virgin (meaning that she 'knew no man' in the Biblical definition) until after the birth of Jesus Christ, when she and Joseph consummated their marriage.

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The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic Doctrine that Mary was preserved from the stain of the original sin of Adam and Eve. Mormon's don't believe that mankind are born under the sins of their parents, so no, they don't believe in the Immaculate Conception.

Mormons do believe, however, in what is known as the Virgin Conception or Virgin Birth.

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no Another view. Some people believe so. There are many religious people that believe in the virgin birth. If there is an all powerful god by definition he/she would be able to do anything

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No. They believe in peace.

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You will have to ask the Mormons in their category on this site.

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