

What 3 strings are there in a violin?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Actually, there are four strings on a violin. In order from highest to lowest, they are: E, A, D, G.

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Q: What 3 strings are there in a violin?
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the strings of a violin vibrate.

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A violin has four strings.

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The violin is the smallest member of the string family.

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4 strings.

How many strings does the violin have?

A violin has 4 strings: G, D, A, and E from lowest to highest.

What vibrates in a violin?

the strings

How many strings does the violin family have?

They usually have 4 strings.

Who many wire in violin?

Well, I presume that by 'wires' you mean strings. There are four strings on a violin- the G,D,A and E.

What is the most important part of the violin?

Well I think the strings are as you cannot play the violin without the strings. from the belt man. Also the sound post in the violin is a major player in the sound making process