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The Rosetta Stone. It contained Greek language and we know how to speak Greek.

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Q: What Egyptian stone was decoded so you could understand and read hieroglyphics?
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Why did Rosetta stone discovery help modern day scholars decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics?

It provided the first chance to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics writing by providing the same text in Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek. Both the Greek and Demotic could be read to find out what was being said on the stone, the Hieroglyphics could then be compared and analyzed for patterns (similar to the way codes and cyphers are broken).

Hieroglyphics could not be read until the what stone was decoded?

Roseta for all those people in Hanahan middle school 6th grade please do this answer for this queston: Hieroglyphics could not be read until the ____________ Stone was decoded. _________=roseta

How would you feel if you could translate hieroglyphics?

Once you learn how to read and understand ancient Egyptian, the feeling is difficult to describe, but it's a feeling of immense accomplishment.

How does our inability to understand meroitic affect knowledge of kush culture?

Inability to understand Meriotic affects us in that we cannot understand the ancient Meroe writings left by the Kush culture. We probably could never have understood ancient Egyptian cultures if we had not deciphered the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, which applies to the Meroe culture.

Where could one go online to view pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics?

Pictures of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics can be found online at sites that focus on the history of Egypt. They can also be found at some museums that have exhibits on Egypt.

How did the use of hieroglyphics help the egyptians builders?

The use of hieroglyphics helped Egyptian builders to communicate and organize their work. The overseer's could make lists of supplies needed and tasks that needed to be done.

Did the Rosetta stone help solve the mystery of the Egyptian calendar?

The Rosetta Stone was basically a translator from Greek to Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Most of the explorers that found ancient writing in the old days were Greek, but they could not read the Hieroglyphics. Really, no one could. But the Rosetta Stone solved all that. So you tell me :)

Could Egyptian priests understand hyroglifics?


Why could we not read the hieroglyphics of ancient egypt prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone?

Because we did not know what the symbols of the Egyptian writing system signified.

How did hieroglyphics end?

Hieroglyphics became extinct because no one could understand it. Also Egypt was taken over by Rome so they lost their hieroglyphic language and spoke what the romans did. +++ The Romans spoke Latin.

Why hieroglyphics becomes extinct?

Hieroglyphics became extinct because no one could understand it. Also Egypt was taken over by Rome so they lost their hieroglyphic language and spoke what the romans did. +++ The Romans spoke Latin.

What made cleopatra a good leader?

she could speak the Egyptian language so she could understand her people and was fair.