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Both breeds are beautiful, but they also both are aggressive and dangerous if changed late. The akita is an amazing family dog, they care for the family so much they will hurt anyone in its family's territory. On the other hand pitbulls are very misunderstood. They are thought of as the meanest dog. Pitbulls are very aggressive with other pets but if trained well they are the most loving family pet.

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Q: What a better breed for family pitbulls or akitas?
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Are pitbulls a mixed breed?

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Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.?

Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.

What country did pitbulls originate from?

Even though Pitbulls are from the Molossian family, and began to breed throughout Europe, England, Ireland, and Scotland, it is said to believe that they originated from the United States.

Why you should never own pit bulls?

That's a crock. Pitbulls are no more dangerous than any other breed of dog - statistically, it's your pointy eared dogs (German Shepherds, Akitas, Huskies/Malamutes, etc.) which are more likely to attack.

What do you get when you breed a rat terrier and a blue nose pi tbull?

I can recommend you to breed a pitbull and another pitbull. You see? Pitbulls have a estable behaviour and mixing with another would not make a better breed.

What wins a bulldog or a pitbull?

This type of question adds no value but I will answer it. It has been tried in the past matching pitbulls against other breeds. Breeders from all over the world matched their breed against pitbulls with negative results. The only breed capable of fighting against pitbulls is the Tosa breed. This weights about 100 to 120 pounds and will fight to death. Now, that breed also had a negative result fighting pitbulls. Never match another breed with a pitbull.

How big would pitbull mix with boxer?

You should never breed a pitbull with no other breed. Pitbulls have a well and stable temparent. Mixing pitbulls with other breeds is corrupting the breed. The only breed you should mix with a pitbull, is another pitbull.

How do you breed pitbulls?

You get them to have sex get them to get along more ya know

What is the meanest breed of pitbulls?

The Red Nose Pit is the meanest

Why can't you mix breed pitbulls?

The recomended fact is that a pitbull shoud always breed with another pitbull.

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Why are pitbulls so energetic?

That comes with the breed. There is no other way around that.