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There isn't any.

To do animal testing, you need quite a lot of animals to get reliable results.

What happens to ONE animal, once, might just be random.

And if something should be discovered later on, someone might need to go back and repeat the tests.

Endangered animals are animals that are rare.

Either hard to find, or not many left, or both.

Ignoring everything else, it'd simply be hugely impractical to use endangered animals for animal testing.

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13y ago

No. One of the key features behind animal testing is that the results should be repeatable, and for that you need to use animals that are easy to come by. Endangered animals are rare animals, so they wouldn't be a good option for testing.

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Yes. When the animals are of no more use, they are killed and thrown away.

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Q: Do scientist's use endangered animals for animal testing?
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What animal is the most endangered in the US in 20th century for product testing?

Doesn't work like that. For animal testing, you need lots of animals. And endangered animals are by definition animals that you can't get lots of. So endangered animals aren't used in animals testing. Animals used in animal testing are species like rats, rabbits, dogs, some species of monkeys. All animals that can be easily bred in captivity. And not at all endangered as a specie.

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Scientists first find out why the animal is getting endangered. Then, they usually start a campaign, such as "Help Save The (animal)!" The scientists can work with authorities to ban poaching from the area that the endangered animal lives in, or they can take in some of the animals and breed them. Scientists also tell pro. breeders about what they want.

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Some of the animals are endangered and are very important to scientists

How do scientists make endangered animals not extinct?

scientists are trying to save the endangered species , by just making the people aware of the animals. scientists can save the endangered animals only if they come to know that how to make an animal from it's DNA. if this happens only if it can,,, the extinct species like the dodo can become alive again.

What does animal testing mean?

animal testing is when scientists use animals to find out how they react with different chemicals. They would be injected into the animal and then they woul see what the animal would do and record what happened.

Is animal testing for diseases ok?

Yes because if scientists did not do it on animals there would not be any cures.

do you care for endangered animals do you have an endangered animal .?

I do care but I do not have an endangered animal...

How many animals died in 2009 due to animal testing and what tests were performed on them to cause death?

13, 000 animals died due to animal testing in 2009. A majority of these deaths were due to cross breeding, as scientists try to create more animal species.(cross breeding is when scientists combine two genes from two different animals.)

What is animal tetsing?

Animal testing is when doctors or scientists illegally inject recently discovered medicines or formulas in animals to see if they die or not. It's just another form of how animals die.

Does animal testing mutate the animals?

does animal testing mutate the animalsyes, it mutates the animals genes

Is wild sheep an endangered animal?

No, these animals are NOT endangered.

Does scientists take care of endangered animals?

scientists? NO the don't the do the research on them they can't really help them we jsut need to stop killing them. so as you see you shouldn't kill animal.