

Best Answer

To protect animals and plant species that are threatened by extinction, you can:

  • Let the population (local or national) know the importance of these species (if you do not know, you can easily find information about it on websites).
  • Find out which plant and animal species are endangered and find a local place where you can help
  • Volunteer at campaigns on free days
  • Find trustworthy campaigns and donate money to a cause you feel most potentially dangerous
  • Spread awareness to let other people donate to trustworthy campaigns as well
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Q: What act protects animal and plants species that are threatened by extinction?
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An animal or plant that is so rare that it os threatened with extinction?

endangered species

Are pumas an endangered animal?

Yes, pumas are under the category "near threatened" on the conservation chart.

What happens if don't conserve animal?

If we don't conserve an animal the species number will drastically decrease and resulting in extinction of that particular species. If one species become extinct it could trigger off a chain reaction and many species will be threatened.

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What is an endangered speices?

the definition of endangered species is species who are close to extinction, or dying out; in the risk of extinction this is my personal definitionWhen an animals numbers become too low to sustain a viable population, it becomes an endangered species.

Can humans affect extinction?

Absolutely ! The human race is the only animal species on the planet that has hunted other species to extinction.

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What is endangered species and extinction?

Endangered species is when there is a certain type of animal that is losing its population. Extinction is a very old animal that has died out and there is none of them left, e.g dinosaurs.

How do you know if an animal is extinct?

Extinction of a particular animal species occurs when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world. The process of extinction is a natural part of evolution.

Are polar bears the most endangered animals?

Polar bears are not the most endangered animal ,but they are an endangered species.

How do you overcome decline in plant and animal species?

how to overcome plant and animal extinction

How many threatened animal species are there in India?