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the U.S purchase of land from a foreign government.

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Q: What action by Thomas Jefferson does he say was an act beyond the constitution?
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What action Thomas Jefferson did he say was an act beyond the constitution?

The U.S. purchase of land from a foreign government

Why was the addition of land important to Thomas Jefferson's plan for the US economy?

It would allow farm ownership to continue.

What action by Thomas Jefferson did he say was an act to beyond the Constitution?

One action that Thomas Jefferson considered as going beyond the Constitution was his decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France. Although he believed that the purchase was necessary for the future expansion and development of the United States, he acknowledged that the Constitution did not explicitly grant the president the power to acquire new territory. However, Jefferson believed that the acquisition would benefit the nation and therefore justified the decision.

What act by Thomas Jefferson did he say was an act beyond the constitution?

The U.S. purchase of land from a foreign government

What actions by Thomas Jefferson's did he say was an act beyond the constitution?

The U.S. purchase of land from a foreign government

Why did Jefferson launch the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

President Thomas Jefferson wanted to see what lay beyond the more he talked to Lewis about it the more curious became.

What was the name of the slave girl that gave birth to Thomas Jefferson's child?

Her names was Sally Hemings. It has not been established beyond doubt that Thomas Jefferson was the father. It is possible that his nephew could have been the father. Their descendants' DNA would be the same in either case.

Which President kept two grizzly bears in cages on the White House lawn?

Explorer Zebulon Pike sent a live pair of grizzly bear cubs to Thomas Jefferson at the White House. Jefferson put them in a cage and placed them on the front lawn. In this way, Jefferson showed Americans that new and exciting worlds beyond the Mississippi were waiting to be discovered.

Why did Thomas Jefferson die poor. He was left a lot of money and a huge estate so how did he lose it all?

He lived beyond his means. He spent more money than he made.

What president have taken a narrow view of presidential powers?

Some critics argue that President Thomas Jefferson took a narrow view of presidential powers. He believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, which limited the scope of the federal government and sought to maintain states' rights. As a result, he was cautious about expanding the powers of the presidency and was hesitant to exercise authority beyond the specific powers granted to the executive branch by the Constitution.

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Jefferson Sutton has written: 'Beyond Apollo' 'The missile lords'

On what day did Lewis and Clark leave for their expedition into the Louisiana Purchase?

They left on May 14, 1803, when President Thomas Jefferson sent them to find a water route to the Pacific and explore westward lands beyond the Louisiana Purchase.