

What advanced cities mean?

Updated: 5/3/2024
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Advanced cities are cities that have surplus and can trade

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3d ago

Advanced cities typically refer to urban areas that exhibit high levels of development in various aspects such as infrastructure, technology, economy, and quality of life. These cities often have well-established service industries, advanced transportation systems, and high standards of living. Additionally, they may be hubs for innovation, cutting-edge research, and cultural diversity.

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Q: What advanced cities mean?
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What did some of the advanced cities look like?

Advanced cities often featured sophisticated infrastructure such as roads, sanitation systems, and public buildings. They were characterized by dense populations, bustling marketplaces, and a diverse range of architectural styles. Some advanced cities also had defensive walls, granaries, and temples at their center.

What are the similarities and differences between between villages and cities?

Similarities: Both villages and cities are inhabited areas with a community of people living together. They have infrastructure such as homes, schools, and businesses. Differences: Villages are typically smaller in size with a lower population compared to cities. Cities have more advanced infrastructure, amenities, and services such as public transportation, hospitals, and entertainment options, while villages tend to have a more rural and traditional atmosphere.

How were planned cities of the Indus Valley different from the other early cities?

Planned cities of the Indus Valley had a grid layout with streets intersecting at right angles, advanced drainage systems, and standardized brick sizes for construction. These features were not found in other early cities of the same period.

How many inhabitants did the tenochtitlans have in its peak?

At its peak, Tenochtitlan, the capital city of the Aztec Empire, had an estimated population of around 200,000 to 300,000 inhabitants. It was one of the largest and most advanced cities in the world at the time.

Why are some places called city instead of town?

Places are typically designated as cities based on factors such as population size, economic activity, infrastructure development, and administrative status. Cities often have larger populations, more advanced facilities, and greater political importance compared to towns. The specific criteria for classification can vary by country or region.

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An advanced culture with Science, cities, and industries is civilization!!!!!!!!!

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Advanced cities of Ancient Persia were the Persepolis, Susa, and the Ecbatana. Persepolis was the capital of the Persian kingdom.

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What were the middle ages advanced cities?

One Opinion:My own view is that depending on the time in the Middle Ages and what is meant by advanced, the most advanced cities in Europe were probably Constantinople, Cordoba, Paris, London, and Lübeck. Other people will have other opinions.

What are Advanced cities?

An advanced city is one that has evolved beyond just sustaining itself, but also enables its inhabitants to thrive. Advanced cities have things like police forces that protect citizens, schools to educate them, and industry to propel the city and its inhabitants forward.

What were the advanced cities of the Persian Empire?

Susa, Persepolis, Babylon, Susa, Memphis, and a hundred Greek cities in Asia Minor.

What is an advanced way of life in which people have cities and organized governments?

it is called a civilization

What are 5 advanced cities of mesopotamia?

memphis, jericho, assur, babylon, kanesh

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C- Complex Institutions A- Advanced Cities R- Record Keeping A- Advanced Technology S- Specialized Workers

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It is the time where there are many advanced things

What are the advanced cities of the Phoenicians?

Tyre, Sidon, Byblos, Carthage.