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Believe it or not NONE at the federal level, maybe there are some five-ten man squads on the F.B,I. but not to my knowledge. there is no Federal Child Abuse agency. Back when H.E.W. was under one roof ( and Mr. Califano had the Conn) it might have been more conceivable to have a federal agency directly aimed against child abuse. There isn"t any- say, comparable to the FDA, EPA, FBI, etc.

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Q: What agencies are involved in child abuse?
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Agencies which fight drug abuse?

There are various worldwide agencies that fight drug abuse. In the United States there is the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Where can one find a child abuse lawyer?

If there is suspected child abuse then the first thing that should be done is the police should be involved. Once the local police department is called they will place the case in the care of Child Protective Services and a lawyer will be provided for the child.

Would you date a 9 year old?

No and it is illegal. This is a minor child and the person who is involved with a 9 year old can be charged with child sexual abuse if they are an adult.

Is kicking your children child abuse?

yes because if you cause an harm to your child its counted as child abuse

What books can prevent child abuse?

Some of the books that are helpful in preventing child abuse are "Understanding Child Abuse & Neglect", "Child Abuse: Implications for Child Development and Psychopathology (Development Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry)", and "Child Abuse and Culture: Working with Diverse Families".

What makes a child be involved in drugs?

There are a number of factors as to why children become involved in drug abuse. Here are the main two examples:Peer pressure: some of their "friends" may be abusing drugs and convince the child to join in on the "fun" in order to be "cooler."Stress/problems at home: the child may be having a difficult relationship with his/her parents and, to them, drug abuse is their only relief from it all.

Can a homeless mother be charged with child abuse in CA?

No not with child abuse, but child endangerment. She will be charged with abuse if she abuses her child! (i am a law enforcement officer)

What are the Philippine government agencies involved in anti drug abuse?

PDEA ¨Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency¨ PNP ¨Philippine National Police¨ NBI ¨National Bureau of investigation¨

Who is responsible to report child abuse?

the one who see child abuse

Is child abuse considered a social issue?

Child abuse is a epedemic

Is it child abuse to choke your child?

Yes; physically hitting or hurting your child in ANY way is child abuse.

How are substance abuse and child abuse linked?

Substance and child abuse are similar because they both are the resulting direction of one's emotions. In substance abuse, the person tries to drown out their emotions by drinking. In child abuse, the person takes their emotions out on the child.