

What animal reproduces by laying eggs and can fly?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What animal reproduces by laying eggs and can fly?
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How does laying eggs on open wounds benefit the fly?

On hatching from the eggs laid by a fly, the maggots will feed on the flesh.

What do they where do they live?

they dont have a home so they just fly around eating food and laying eggs

What animal lays eggs but is not a mammal and it does not fly?

mammalAnimals that don't lay eggs are called Mammals, as they give live birth and have hairs. But, as Mother Nature can be contrary, the echidna and the platypus, though mammals, lay eggs!

What animal has a hollow bone and lays eggs?

Birds that fly.

What animal lays eggs has scales feathers but doesnt fly?


Does a house fly give birth to babies or layeggs?

Yes. Flies are insects. Insects require laying eggs for purposes of reproduction. This is the first stage in the cycle of a fly's life.

How does laying many eggs help the butterfly help?

Laying a great number of eggs helps to ensure that the species will survive. Many organisms lay a large number of eggs because many of the eggs will get eaten, squashed etc. Many will hatch but then some of the young will get killed/eaten some will grow to adults and reproduce.

Which animal can fly but cannot lay eggs?

Humans! We have developed helicopters, aeroplanes etc to overcome our inability to fly, so we "can't fly", but we can! :-)

Which flying animal gives babies instead of eggs?

Bats. they are one of the only mammals which fly and also maybe the only flying animal to give live babies.

Why is a penguin classified as a bird even though it cannot fly?

Penguins are classified as birds because they share key characteristics with other birds, such as feathers and laying eggs. Although penguins have lost the ability to fly, they have evolved to be exceptional swimmers, adapted for an aquatic life in cold climates.

Can young butterfly move like its mother?

Once a butterfly is able to fly (it has to dry and warm it's wings after emerging from a pupa) it is able to fly just as well as an older butterfly. Butterflies are not usually considered as 'young' and 'parents', as they lay eggs, and do not stay around their 'young'. They usually die shortly after laying eggs. In short, yes a butterfly is able to fly as well as an older butterfly when it is young.

A penguin a grazing animal?

A penguin is a warm blooded bird that feeds on fish. It is also lays eggs but can not fly and lives in cold conditions.