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Since South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas is celebrated in summer. Some South African traditions are putting up a Christmas tree, children leaving a stocking out for Santa on Christmas Eve, having turkey or duck for the Christmas meal, eating the meal outside, and visiting friends and family on Christmas afternoon.

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For starters, can we just talk about this Santa Clause that everybody will be talking about this holiday season? Who is he and does he visit Liberia too? As you think about that, let me introduce you to old man Bayka! Where we are from, this is the name Santa goes by. I know you expect Santa clause to come bearing gifts for those on his nice list, but this guy comes begging for gifts! Oh the joys of Christmas in Liberia. While speaking to a friend the other day we couldn't help, but laugh at the irony of Santa clause taking instead of giving. This irony along with many other things however, is the very things that make Christmas in Liberia a one in a life time experience.

Picture this, the most crowded street with the loudest people all talking at the same time while cars try to make their way through the crowds. If this doesn't sound chaotic, try picturing performance on the same street, kids running around with water in plastic bags for sale (cold water here, cold water here) and to top it all off imagine music coming out of loud speakers "Vooleeeeh Dayla!" This is the scene of Christmas time down water side, Monrovia Liberia.

Christmas in Liberia is a time for celebration as it is all over the world. Liberians look forward to this holiday so much that they start saying "my Christmas on you" as early as October! When a Liberian tells you "my Christmas on you" that basically means they are expecting you to give them a gift or some sort of kind gesture during the Christmas season. This is often done by kids in the neighbor hood that make it their tradition to go around and collect "their Christmas" from the adults. Liberians tends to be very kind hearted people. Those million uncles and aunts can come in handy during the holiday season for getting "your Christmas".

This holiday calls for people to get dress up in their best outfits! As children, this was the highlight of the year. Getting dressed up in your Christmas outfit was bigger than the Santa clause coming down the chimney for American kids. Christmas clothes were such a huge thing. Even if you had no where to go while wearing your nice clothes, you just wanted to have them for the day. Parents took their children to the major shopping center that we all came to know as water side. Before we knew what a mall was, water side was the spot! Children look forward to their waterside trips during Christmas time. Liberian Christmas is not complete without the noise of waterside market.

Another main event to look forward to during the holidays in Liberia is what we will call Santa clause in the Western World. As stated, our Santa Clause is known as either as old man Bayka (Old man beggar) or as country devil. I know what you thinking - the devil? It is nothing like it sounds, although it can be a bit scary for some children. Often times, the kids can be found running away when they hear the drums that accompany the country devils. The country devils are traditional Liberian cultural dancers dressed in straw costume. There are different ones from different tribes in Liberia. They are usually very talented dancers accompany by other dancers known as culture troops. These dancers walk around in different neighborhood and people can give cash donations to the dancers as part of the tradition. Some of the mask worn by the dancers can be really scary, but it is all part of the celebration. Then there is Old Man Bayka who is perhaps Santa's Liberian nephew! He goes around dressed in big clothes usually similar to Santa fat suit. He is accompany by lots of people singing songs like "old ma don't run away bayka dah human being" and "Old bayka big trousay jukooju". It is quite the experience because so many kids run after the person dressed up in big clothing with a funny mask pretending to be Santa. The person usually acts like a clown with some serious dance moves. I am pretty sure Old man Baykah has more moves than Jagger!

To sum it all up, the best part about Christmas in Liberia is walking around collecting money from family, friends, and other relatives. When you go up to them and say "I'm here for my Christmas ooh" and they reach in their pockets or bags and pull out those colorful Liberian dollars, the smile on your face is beyond priceless. Christmas in Liberia will always a joyful time. Our people, traditions and culture truly makes the holiday season a one of kind experience. Whether our Santa begs for money or scare our kids, we still celebrate Christmas like no other nation does. Christmas in Liberia is a unique experience that we hope everyone gets to partake in. From the staff here at Deysay Magazine, we hope everyone have a great holiday season whether you are celebrating here of fortunate to be in Liberia to enjoy the season. Just remember "our Christmas on yor ooooh".

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I need to know the answer to this question because its for a french project! Any info about their Christmas traditions is helpful!

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