

What are Cicero Ovid Virgil?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Marcus Tullius Cicero was a statesman, orator, philosopher, constitutionalist, political theorist, moralist, and lawyer. He started his career as a lawyer later and wrote extensively on constitutional matters. He translated many works of Greek philosophers and created a Latin philosophic vocabulary, thus making Greek philosophy more widely available. He also wrote about political theory. He was one of the greatest prose writers and orators in Roman history. His great linguistic skills, prose, and writings on moral and civic issues, have made him on of the most influential writers in European history.

Cicero was consul in 63 BC. In 60 BC, Julius Caesar invited him to join the First Triumvirate, but he refused because he thought it would undermine the Republic. Politically, he was an Optimate (conservative). In the fight between Pompey and Caesar, he sided with the former. He later urged the senate to declare Antony an enemy of the state and made a famous speech against him. Antony got the Second Triumvirate had him executed.

Cato the Younger was an Optimate politician. He was also a Stoic philosopher and fought against corruption. He opposed the First Triumvirate. He managed to persuade a reluctant senate to force Pompey to choose between being granted a triumph and give up a consulship. He managed to force Caesar to make the same choice by continuously obstructing the debate. He opposed a law that granted land to Pompey's veterans. He tried to prevent Caesar's 5-year appointment as governor of Illyria and Cisalpine Gaul and the appointment of Crassus to an Eastern command. He later tried to cause a brake up between Caesar and Pompey. In the civil war followed Pompey to Greece, escaped to African and then committed suicide.

Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) is one of the greatest Roman poets. The Aeneid is most famous work and was considered the national epic of Rome. It is written like a follow up to Homer's Iliad. It was the story of Aeneas who escaped the Trojan War, journeyed to Africa, landed in Italy and his son created the Royal family of alba Longa from which Romulus and Remus descended. His work has had a deep influence on western literature for centuries. In Dante's divine comedy Virgil guides Dante through hell and purgatory.

Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) (20 March 43 BC - AD 17/18) was one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature (the other two were Virgil and Horace). He wrote the three major collections of poetry, the Heroides, Amores and Ars Amatoria, and of the Metamorphoses. He also wrote a lost tragedy, Medea. He was a master of the elegiac couplet. He wrote love poetry. His poetry was widely imitated in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. He greatly influenced European art and literature and is one of the most important sources of classical mythology.

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Ovid and Virgil made their greatest accomplishments in the field of poetry. Ovid was born Publius OVidius Naso and was best known for his 15-book narrative Metamorphoses, his book of love poems, Amores, and Ars Amatoria. Virgil was born Publius Vergilius Maro and was known for his poetry the Eclogues, the Georgics, and his epic poem Aeneid.

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In Edith Hamilton's Mythology, she says this of Ovid: " a compendium of mythology. No ancient writer can compare to him in the respect. He told almost all the stories and he told them at great length...He was said to have a sheer nonsense about him." Virgil did not believe in myths, he instead found human nature in them and brought mythological personages to life as no one else had done since the Greek tragedians.