

What are Positive Effects of Technology on literature?

Updated: 11/28/2019
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Technology makes literacy more convenient.

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Q: What are Positive Effects of Technology on literature?
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we can enhance the positive effects of technology by blocking negative sites and minimize the use of social networking sites like face book ,hotmail,orkut etcetra.On the other hand,more and more research material should be provided on internet.

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Anything that is created can have a positive and negative side. I would say that developments in technology such as computers and digital technology have had an amazingly positive effect on society in allowing us to not be tied to a specific location for work for example, or in terms of being able to have information available in an instant.

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positive- you can connect every time you want. negative- you can't see each others face any more

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Books like the Lorax show irresponsible use of technology as a destructive force. Manufacturing and thoughtless consumption nearly destroy a species of beautiful trees.