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1 Equidistant lines are parallel and never intersect

2 Exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360 degrees

3 Equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides and 3 equal interior angles of 60 degrees

4 Exponents are used in Pythagoras' theorem for a right triangle as in a^2+b^2=c^2

5 Equation of a straight line: y=mx+c whereas m is the slope and c is the y intercept

6 Equations are simultaneous when they intersect each other on the Cartesian plane

7 Eighteen degrees is an acute angle which is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

8 East is on a bearing of 090 degrees clockwise from North

9 Elevation angle is looking upwards at an object

10 Elimination method can be used to solve simultaneous equations

11 Exact value of pi in a circle has never been finally determined

12 Euler made labelling of triangles simple and straightforward

13 Enlargement of shapes can be transformed on the Cartesian plane

14 Edges of a cube add up to 12

15 Endpoints of a defined line segment has a mid-point

16 Equator divides the Northern and Southern hemispheres

17 Eight sided polygon is an octagon

18 Eleven sided polygon is an undecagon

19 Egyptian pyramids were constructed thousands of years ago

20 Earth is a spherical planet that orbits the Sun

21 Each interior angle of a square or a rectangle are 90 degrees

22 "Eureka" cried out Archimedes the ancient Greek mathematician when he discovered the relationship between the volume of a submerged object and its displacement of water

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Q: What are a score or more geometrical terms beginning with E and their meanings?
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