

What are all the gods of Egyptian mythology?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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some were bastet: cats; horus: falcon, sky; isis; set/seth; Nepthys: rivers; Sobek: oceans, alligators; Thoth: wisdom, writing; Osiris: underworld; Anubis: mummy/mummification; Ra: Sun; nut: sky, stars; Geb: earth, land;

all i can remember!

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Who are the gods in Egyptian mythology?

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We study Egyptian gods and the mythology behind them in order to understand their culture.

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Over 1,500 names of Egyptian gods and goddesses have been recorded.

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In Egyptian mythology, the queen of the gods was the goddess Isis, wife of the ruler of the underworld Osiris.

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What language does Horus speak?

Given that he's a Egyptian deity; ancient Egyptian is more then likely.The Egyptians believed that all their gods spoke the ancient Egyptian language.

Is there any Egyptian god still alive today?

In Egyptian mythology none of the gods or goddesses died.

What are all the gods names in mythology?

Which mythology do you mean? Greek, Indian, Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, Canaanite...? Many of these religions had literally hundreds of gods. It would be nearly impossible to list all of them. If you need to produce a written answer for this question, the best thing is to google for the mythology that interests you and then list the 20-30 main gods.