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Tesla's father was Rev. Milutin Tesla, a Serbian Orthodox Priest. His mother was Duka Mandic, who invented farm tools. His siblings were Dane the older brother who died in a horse accident and Nikola Tesla's sisters: Milka, Angelina and Marica.

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What do you know about automated teslas?

Teslas are cars that can run by themselves, without you having to steer them.

Who was in nikola teslas family?

his mom named Djuka Mandic, his dad named Milutin Tesla, his big brother and his sisters.

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When and how did nikola teslas siters die?

The history surrounding the life of Nikola Tesla, doesn't tell us about the life of the siblings and family of the scientist but no more with the relation of Tesla.

Where was nikola teslas networks?

That is the fiction Sanctuary series.

What was teslas first name?

His name was Nikola.

What is nikola teslas favorite animal?

wild pigeons

The magnetic force of a magnet is?

... measured in teslas (T).

What is a fact family with only facts?

There cannot be such a family because of self-reference. It is similar to the Russell paradox (named after Bertrand Russell). As soon as you have a fact family with only two facts, you have added a third fact. The third fact is that is that the fact family had only two facts. That then makes it a family with three facts. Which means it is no longer a fact family with only two facts. So the third fact is no longer correct. And so it does not have three facts. Which means it has only two facts and you will keep looping round and round forever!

What is nikola teslas political party?

Nikola Tesla did not align himself with any specific political party. He preferred to focus on his work in science and technology rather than involve himself in politics. Tesla believed in the power of innovation to bring about positive change in the world.

What is nikola teslas culture?

He was a Croatian Serb who immigrated to the US.