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Any foods that are nutrient dense, i.e. fruits, vegetables, lean meat, should help with weight loss.

These foods are low calorie and high in nutrients so you can eat enough to be full, get enough vitamins and nutrients, and still maintain your calorie budget!

Hope this helps! =]

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13y ago
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11y ago

Celery burns more calories eating it than it actually has. Other than that just maintain a healthy diet with healthy snacks, with fruit, vegetables, protein, and other produce that you can find at any local farmers stores in your area. But that does not make you loose weight, it just makes you healthy. I recommend walking and working out if you truly wish to loose weight.

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11y ago

You should eat foods high in fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. It is best to track your calorie intake. Eating less than 1,400 calories a day should be sufficient for weight loss.

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12y ago

If you love eating food, then you will love eating Nutrisystem. It have a lot of good food but it is design to help you lose weight. However, do your part by exercising and avoid bad food and your will shed though pounds.

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14y ago

Fruits: apples, peaches, strawberries

veggies: green beans, carrots

wholegrains: whole wheat bread, cereal

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12y ago

If you want to lose weight by changing your diet that is a good start. You should eat foods like chicken, and fish, and lean meats. Also fruits and vegetables are good.

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The best weight loss diet is one that is nutritionally sound and that includes foods from all food groups. There is no one food that makes us fat. Too many calories and insufficient activity is what results in weight gain. There is no healthy diet plan that results in "fast" weight loss. Quick weight loss involves the loss of water and muscle mass, not fat. This "loss" is quickly gained back, usually in a week or so. The only "quick weight loss" is starvation, which is not healthy and not sustainable. Real, sustained weight loss is the result of taking in fewer calories than are used each day. For more information, go to and click on the link for Weight Management.

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It is not consider a food for weight loss. Pizza causes many people to gain weight.

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yes, vegetarian weight loss diet is a healthy diet. but you also need to know what kind of food you should eat. check the below link to get information on that type of food which is help to weight loss.

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What is an easy exercise that makes you sweat a lot and lose weight?

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