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Monophasic Birth Control pills have a constant does of both Estrogen and Progestin in each hormonally active pill. They come in varying strengths and a doctor will help to determine which strength is best for each patient. Because of the uniform hormone levels, monphasics are the least likely of the birth control pills to cause side effects.

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Q: What are monophasic birth control pills?
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Related questions

Are the first three weeks of birth control pills the same?

If you're on a monophasic pill, the first three weeks of birth contol are the same. If all of the first 21 pills are the same color, it's likely a monophasic pill. If you're not sure, ask your pharamcist or health care provider.

What if I skipped the sugar pills and it was not a monophasic birth control?

You might be more likely to have spotting, but there's no harm done. If you think you'd like to do this regularly, ask your health care provider to change you to a monophasic pill.

How long till you can get pregnant after you stop taking birth control?

normal monophasic birth control pills are out of your system apprx 24 hour after you stop taking them. Not that you will necessarily get pregnant right away, but the possibility exists that soon.

Is Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo a monophasic birth control pill?

Sprintec is monophasic; Tri-Sprintec is triphasic.

What birth control pills will decrease your number of periods?

Any pill with active pills taken for more than three weeks will reduce the number of periods. Some pills are packaged for this purpose (e.g. Seasonale, Seasonique), but any monophasic pill can be used in this way.

Are you allergic to birth control pills?

I am not allergic to birth control pills.

What are the signs if wife is taking birth control pills?

Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"

Are synthetic birth control pills a narcotic?

No, birth control pills are not narcotics.

Are there generics for birth control pills?

many birth control pills have generic equivalents.

Can i post birth control pills by USPS?

It is legal to mail birth control pills.

What type of birth control pill is Quasense?

Quasense is a low-dose, monophasic, extended-cycle combination birth control pill. It's similar to Seasonale and Seasonique.

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.