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Q: What are red bumps like hives that are helped with a fungal ointment?
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Shrimp allergy cause red bumps?

If a shrimp allergy is causing red bumps, this typically means you're breaking out into hives. Hives are a common symptom of a shell fish allergy.

What kind of treatments are there for hives?

There are several kinds of treatments you can use to get rid of the hives. Some of the many treatments include taking pills prescribed by your doctor and rubbing ointment on your hives to get rid of them.

Why does your dog have ring shaped hives?

Sounds like ringworm, a fungal infection that is easily treatable

What is chronic urticaria and what is the treatment available for it?

Urticaria is another name for hives. Chronic urticaria are hives that last six weeks or longer. Hives are raised itchy bumps. They can be treated with antihistamines, such as Benadryl. It is important to identify the cause of the hives and remove the trigger.

What are red bumps on your stomach?

The burning red bumps could be many different things. Some things it may be is poison ivy, hives or scabies.

What causes red bumps on hands and feet they start out purple the they turn red?

A Rash, Hives, Or an Infection.

What can I give to my 12yrs old benji poodle he has a lot of bumps on his body?

Depends on what kind of "bumps"? Are they tiny skin irritations like hives? Or are they more like lumps or growths?

There are hundreds of small bumps all over your legs from your ankles up to your knees what could this be from?

Could be hives or chigger bites.

What is the difference between hives and bed bug bites?

Hives usually go away in 24 hours. Bed bug bites can last days and appear in orderly lines of red bumps. Both are fairly itchy and sometimes hard to determine what is what. If the red bumps dont go away in 3 days i would go to the doctor and see what is going on with your skin.

Bumps on chest?

A rash? Hives perhaps? It could be thee cause of unknown allergies, after all you can get allergic to things just if you eat tehm too much.

What would a skin rash look like if you had a sensitivity to a chemical in a pool?

It may look like hives. A red rash with tiny bumps that may or may not be itchy.

Were there preservatives used in Penecillin 50 years ago which could cause hives?

This is very good question. No preservatives were used to preserve the penicillin in past or present also. Penicillin is produced by fungus. So in olden times you have had the impurities in the form of fungal proteins, which caused hives, specially after injections of the penicillin. Even the most deadly reaction may be caused by the fungal proteins, which have been present, in traces, in the inject-able preparations, probably.