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Abusive relationships should NEVER be tolerated or "Coped" with. The father of my 1st son was extremely abusive, He broke my arm, tried to light me on fire by first pouring lighter fluid on me and then flicking matches at me from across the room and other assorted cruelties. The first thing to do is for YOU to realize that he is not going to change. No matter how much you try to love him or try to get him not to hurt you, he in NOT going to change! All abusive men or young men are the same, they hit you or hurt you and then they cry on their knees and BEG you to stay and SWEAR that they will never hurt you again! You know that this new behavior only lasts for about a week and then he's back to his old ways. That's because this is who he is and he will not change, no matter what. If you fall for his lies over and over again and stay in the relationship, you are silently giving him permission to keep on hurting you. If you have kids, think of what he is teaching them when he hurts you...He is showing them that it is OK, for a man to be abusive to a woman! If you have a little boy and you stay with this guy, your son will most likely grow up to abuse his girlfriends, wife, children, etc..., If you have a little girl, she will think it is NORMAL to be hit and hurt by a man and will grow up and get into abusive relationships! If you don't have kids yet, Thank your lucky stars and then ask yourself why you stay with such a mean person. He does NOT LOVE you,my guess is that you grew up around abuse yourself, right? There are shelters who will take battered women alone or with children, you need to get out while you can. If he has made threats like: "If you ever leave me, I'll find you and Kill you" (most of them make this threat), get an Order of Protection from Abuse so he cannot come near you!Remember, even though you feel like there is no way out, there is! You are worth it! Don't wait one minute longer, get out NOW, there is a whole new world waiting out there for you. Also do yourself a favor and seek counseling to help you get over what happened during the relationship and to help to build some self-esteem. Most battered women have very little if any self-esteem. Here is proof, If you had any self-esteem, you wouldn't be where you are right now! You would never accept what this ***hole is dishing out! It is not your fault, he most likely tells you that you are nothing and that no one else but him would take you! He most likely puts you down constantly. Perhaps you were abused as a child yourself...I know I was!One of the reasons women stay in abusive relationships is because even though they are horrible, at least they know what to expect. The unknown can be very scary. What can be scarier than a man who flies off the handle for no apparent reason and physically and mentally abuses you! This is real life baby! Just get out and work on yourself and when the time is right, you'll meet a man who will treat you like a princess. But that time will not come until you GET OUT of this abusive relationship and work on yourself, you must LOVE yourself before you can truly LOVE another. I speak from experience here. I left my abusive boyfriend right after I had my baby, and I thank God that I did, my boy grew up healthy and happy, he is not abusive and never will be! I successfully broke the chain of abuse for my future generations, and so can you! Make some phone calls, get that order of protection and GET OUT NOW!!MY man now is a real man who would NEVER lay a finger on me to hurt me. He Loves me and treats me like gold. He respects me, he listens to what I have to say and really cares about my thoughts and opinions. We work on the relationship together as a team to keep it healthy and when we do have an argument, we work through it. He cooks for me, brings me coffee in the morning and tells me all day long how much he loves me and how beautiful I am. You can have this too some time in your future, but do what you NEED to do now, Before it is too late, PLEASE!! God Bless you Girl!One last thing: Get Out NOW!!!!!!
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Q: What are some Coping skills for an abusive relationship?
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Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

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Some relationship management skills include the ability to negotiate, the ability to communicate and the ability to be direct. With these skills you can easily manager your relationship with your customers.

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In some cases, a psychopathic tendency can be developed as a coping for some insecurity someone may have, but generally psychopathic behavior come about from a personality disorder. Also known as antisocial personality disorder.

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Some relationship management skills include the ability to negotiate, the ability to communicate and the ability to be direct. With these skills you can easily manager your relationship with your customers.

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Some relationship management skills include the ability to negotiate, the ability to communicate and the ability to be direct. With these skills you can easily manager your relationship with your customers.

What are some things one can do so to trust their new partner after being in a past abusive relationship?

Most men aren't abusive. Most men feel secure enough that they don't need to hit a woman to feel strong. Having said that, it can be difficult to get over traumatic things that happened to you. You may need to visit a counselor. It's not saying anything bad about you, you've been through some bad experiences and sometimes it's a good idea to learn some coping strategies.

How do you know when you've recovered from a past abusive relationship?

Barring incurring amnesia, it is impossible for a past abusive relationship to not have some effect. Definitions of recovery are, then, not absolute and are thus subjective. Some (but not all) abusive relationships create serious problems for the victim: nightmares, depression, possibly suicidal thoughts or irrational feelings of "the relationship will get better, (the abuser) and I will be happy if I become a better lover for them" that cannot be shaken, etc. Some might define having recovered, then, as no longer being plagued by these serious problems.

How you do keep yourself from sabatoging a healthy relationship after leaving an abusive one?

Answer The worst thing anyone can do after getting out of an abusive relationship is to get involved with anyone on a serious level if you haven't gotten proffessional help first. Some people can walk away from such things as an abusive relationship, but not many are that strong. If you haven't sought some kind of Thearipy perhaps you should as you will always feel threatened when the other person raises his voice to you. Why go through that pain, do something about it first.

How do you use the word abuse in a sentence?

She decided to end the abusive relationship and place charges against him.Some sport fans can be very abusive and immature.There is no reason to be so abusive.

When will you begin to feel 'normal' after leaving an abusive relationship?

There is no one correct answer. So long as a person remembers anything of the abusive relationship, it will always have some effect on them simply by remembering it. In a similar fashion to some believing virginity can never be regained once lost, someone who is abused can never be "never abused" unless they incur a complete amnesia over their memory of the entire abusive relationship. The more serious consequences to the victim of a relationship, such as depression (suicidal thoughts or feelings of worthlessness, etc.), nightmares, "battered wife syndrome" (in which one thinks the abusive relationship is their fault and the relationship can be good again if they are a better lover) may not pass at all if the victim has chronic depression (chronic depression doesn't mean feeling depressed after an emotionally traumatic event, such as an abusive relationship, but is a neurochemical imbalance that can make it impossible for a person to stop feeling depressed even long after the event, whereas a normal person will feel depressed but the feeling of depression fades after not too long of a period). Several months to a year or more may be required for the worst symptoms to pass. Certainly, if bad symptoms persist for longer than a year, professional help may be required (but it is a good idea for the victim of an abusive relationship to get professional help early anyway, as some of the side effects of an abusive relationship can be deadly).

Why was he trying not to be abusive but he was?

Men who are abusive generally have learned this from the environment in which they grew up. Some men have a short fuse and blast off with either verbally abusive words or they become physically abusive with their partner. Some men know deep inside it is wrong, but don't know how to get help and most men refuse to seek psychological counseling because it makes them feel weak and not masculine. If he refuses to get help then you have the power to get out of the abusive relationship.

What does an abusive man think when the relationship is over?

It purely depends upon the man (or woman!). Some may experience guilt of conscience, and some may not think twice.