

What are some good Scrabble words?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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Wiki User

13y ago

Best Answer

Depending on the position of the board and the tiles presented on your rack, any word can be a good word. Example: HI is a simple and common two letter word, put when placed on a triple letter score and forming a second word in the opposite direction, you score a minimum of 26 points, which is rather decent in a Scrabble game. Of course, bingos don't hurt either, but to say that any ONE word in the dictionary is a good word would be remiss.

Try learning some word list like all the 2 letter words and 3 letter words. It's a good start.

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Wiki User

13y ago
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14y ago

* Ajee * Bijou * Caiman * Deva * Etna * Fuji * Grue * Haji * Ixia

* Jambe

* Kayo * Lutz * Mynah * Oast * Prau * Quixotry * Riant * Squab * Tranq * Uta * Vrow * Wizen * Xenia * Yond * Zein * Brr * Brrr * By * Byrl * Crwth * Cry * Crypt

* Cwm * Cyst * Dryly

* Dry * Flyby

* Fly * Flysch * Fry * Ghyll * Glycyl

* Glyph * Gym * Gyp * Gypsy

* Hm * Hmm * Hymn * Hyp * Lymph * Lynch * Lynx * Mm * Myrrh

* My * Myth * Mythy

* Nth * Nymph * Pfft * Phpht

* Pht * Ply * Pry * Psst

* Psych * Pygmy

* Pyx * Rhythm

* Rynd * Scry * Sh * Shh * Shyly

* Shy * Sky * Sly * Spry * Spy * Stymy

* Sty * Sylph * Syn * Sync * Synch * Synth * Syph * Thymy

* Thy * Try * Tryst * Tsk * TskTsk * Typp * Why * Wry * Wych * Wynd * Wyn * Wynn * Xylyl

* Xyst

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11y ago

2-letter words


3-letter words

gab, gad, gae, gag, gal, gam, gan, gap, gar, gas, gat, gay, ged, gee, gel, gem, get, gey, ghi, gib, gid, gie, gig, gin, gip, git, gnu, goa, gob, god, goo, gor, got, gox, gul, gum, gun, gut, guv, guy, gym, gyp

4-letter words

gabs, gaby, gadi, gads, gaed, gaen, gaes, gaff, gaga, gage, gags, gain, gait, gala, gale, gall, gals, gama, gamb, game, gamp, gams, gamy, gane, gang, gaol, gape, gaps, gapy, garb, gars, gash, gasp, gast, gate, gats, gaud, gaum, gaun, gaur, gave, gawk, gawp, gays, gaze, gear, geck, geds, geed, geek, gees, geld, gels, gelt, gems, gene, gens, gent, genu, germ, gest, geta, gets, geum, ghat, ghee, ghis, gibe, gibs, gids, gied, gien, gies, gift, giga, gigs, gild, gill, gilt, gimp, gink, gins, gips, gird, girl, girn, giro, girt, gist, give, glad, gled, glee, gleg, glen, gley, glia, glib, glim, glob, glom, glop, glow, glue, glug, glum, glut, gnar, gnat, gnaw, gnus, goad, goal, goas, goat, gobo, gobs, goby, gods, goer, goes, gogo, gold, golf, gone, gong, good, goof, gook, goon, goop, goos, gore, gorp, gory, gosh, gout, gowd, gowk, gown, grab, grad, gram, gran, grat, gray, gree, grew, grey, grid, grig, grim, grin, grip, grit, grog, grot, grow, grub, grue, grum, guan, guar, guck, gude, guff, guid, gulf, gull, gulp, guls, gums, gunk, guns, guru, gush, gust, guts, guvs, guys, gybe, gyms, gyps, gyre, gyri, gyro, gyve

5-letter words

gabby, gable, gaddi, gadid, gadis, gaffe, gaffs, gaged, gager, gages, gaily, gains, gaits, galah, galas, galax, galea, gales, galls, gally, galop, gamas, gamay, gamba, gambe, gambs, gamed, gamer, games, gamey, gamic, gamin, gamma, gammy, gamps, gamut, ganef, ganev, gangs, ganja, ganof, gaols, gaped, gaper, gapes, gappy, garbs, garni, garth, gases, gasps, gassy, gasts, gated, gates, gator, gauds, gaudy, gauge, gault, gaums, gaunt, gaurs, gauss, gauze, gauzy, gavel, gavot, gawks, gawky, gawps, gawsy, gayal, gayer, gayly, gazed, gazer, gazes, gears, gecko, gecks, geeks, geeky, geese, geest, gelds, gelee, gelid, gelts, gemma, gemmy, gemot, genes, genet, genic, genie, genii, genip, genoa, genom, genre, genro, gents, genua, genus, geode, geoid, gerah, germs, germy, gesso, geste, gests, getas, getup, geums, ghast, ghats, ghaut, ghazi, ghees, ghost, ghoul, ghyll, giant, gibed, giber, gibes, giddy, gifts, gigas, gighe, gigot, gigue, gilds, gills, gilly, gilts, gimel, gimme, gimps, gimpy, ginks, ginny, gipon, gipsy, girds, girls, girly, girns, giron, giros, girsh, girth, girts, gismo, gists, given, giver, gives, gizmo, glace, glade, glads, glady, glair, gland, glans, glare, glary, glass, glaze, glazy, gleam, glean, gleba, glebe, glede, gleds, gleed, gleek, glees, gleet, glens, gleys, glial, glias, glide, gliff, glime, glims, glint, glitz, gloam, gloat, globe, globs, glogg, gloms, gloom, glops, glory, gloss, glost, glout, glove, glows, gloze, glued, gluer, glues, gluey, glugs, glume, gluon, gluts, glyph, gnarl, gnarr, gnars, gnash, gnats, gnawn, gnaws, gnome, goads, goals, goats, goban, gobos, godly, goers, gofer, gogos, going, golds, golem, golfs, golly, gombo, gonad, gonef, goner, gongs, gonia, gonif, gonof, gonzo, goods, goody, gooey, goofs, goofy, gooks, gooky, goons, goony, goops, goopy, goose, goosy, goral, gored, gores, gorge, gorps, gorse, gorsy, gouge, gourd, gouts, gouty, gowan, gowds, gowks, gowns, goxes, graal, grabs, grace, grade, grads, graft, grail, grain, grama, gramp, grams, grana, grand, grans, grant, grape, graph, grapy, grasp, grass, grate, grave, gravy, grays, graze, great, grebe, greed, greek, green, grees, greet, grego, greys, gride, grids, grief, griff, grift, grigs, grill, grime, grimy, grind, grins, griot, gripe, grips, gript, gripy, grist, grith, grits, groan, groat, grogs, groin, groom, grope, gross, grosz, grots, group, grout, grove, growl, grown, grows, grubs, gruel, grues, gruff, grume, grump, grunt, guaco, guano, guans, guard, guars, guava, gucks, gudes, guess, guest, guffs, guide, guids, guild, guile, guilt, guiro, guise, gulag, gular, gulch, gules, gulfs, gulfy, gulls, gully, gulps, gulpy, gumbo, gumma, gummy, gunks, gunky, gunny, guppy, gurge, gurry, gursh, gurus, gushy, gussy, gusto, gusts, gusty, gutsy, gutta, gutty, guyed, guyot, gybed, gybes, gypsy, gyral, gyred, gyres, gyron, gyros, gyrus, gyved, gyves

6-letter words

gabbed, gabber, gabble, gabbro, gabies, gabion, gabled, gables, gaboon, gadded, gadder, gaddis, gadfly, gadget, gadids, gadoid, gaeing, gaffed, gaffer, gaffes, gagers, gagged, gagger, gaggle, gaging, gagman, gagmen, gaiety, gained, gainer, gainly, gainst, gaited, gaiter, galago, galahs, galaxy, galeae, galeas, galena, galere, galiot, galled, gallet, galley, gallic, gallon, gallop, gallus, galoot, galops, galore, galosh, galyac, galyak, gamays, gambas, gambes, gambia, gambir, gambit, gamble, gambol, gamely, gamest, gamete, gamier, gamily, gamine, gaming, gamins, gammas, gammed, gammer, gammon, gamuts, gander, ganefs, ganevs, ganged, ganger, gangly, gangue, ganjah, ganjas, gannet, ganofs, ganoid, gantry, gaoled, gaoler, gapers, gaping, gapped, garage, garbed, garble, garcon, garden, garget, gargle, garish, garlic, garner, garnet, garote, garred, garret, garron, garter, garths, garvey, gasbag, gascon, gashed, gasher, gashes, gasify, gasket, gaskin, gaslit, gasman, gasmen, gasped, gasper, gassed, gasser, gasses, gasted, gaster, gateau, gather, gating, gators, gauche, gaucho, gauged, gauger, gauges, gaults, gaumed, gauzes, gavage, gavels, gavial, gavots, gawked, gawker, gawped, gawsie, gayals, gayest, gayety, gazabo, gazebo, gazers, gazing, gazump, geared, gecked, geckos, geegaw, geeing, geests, geezer, geisha, gelada, gelant, gelate, gelati, gelato, gelded, gelder, gelees, gelled, gemmae, gemmed, gemote, gemots, gender, genera, genets, geneva, genial, genies, genips, genius, genoas, genome, genoms, genres, genros, gentes, gentil, gentle, gently, gentry, geodes, geodic, geoids, gerahs, gerbil, gerent, german, germen, gerund, gestes, gestic, getter, getups, gewgaw, geyser, gharri, gharry, ghauts, ghazis, gherao, ghetto, ghibli, ghosts, ghosty, ghouls, ghylls, giants, giaour, gibbed, gibber, gibbet, gibbon, gibers, gibing, giblet, gibson, giddap, gieing, gifted, gigged, giggle, giggly, giglet, giglot, gigolo, gigots, gigues, gilded, gilder, gilled, giller, gillie, gimbal, gimels, gimlet, gimmal, gimmie, gimped, gingal, ginger, gingko, ginkgo, ginned, ginner, gipons, gipped, gipper, girded, girder, girdle, girlie, girned, girons, girted, girths, gismos, gitano, givens, givers, giving, gizmos, glaces, glacis, glades, gladly, glaire, glairs, glairy, glaive, glamor, glance, glands, glared, glares, glassy, glazed, glazer, glazes, gleams, gleamy, gleans, glebae, glebes, gledes, gleeds, gleeks, gleets, gleety, glegly, glibly, glided, glider, glides, gliffs, glimed, glimes, glints, glioma, glitch, glitzy, gloams, gloats, global, globby, globed, globes, globin, gloggs, glomus, glooms, gloomy, gloppy, gloria, glossa, glossy, glosts, glouts, gloved, glover, gloves, glowed, glower, glozed, glozes, gluers, gluier, gluily, gluing, glumes, glumly, glumpy, glunch, gluons, glutei, gluten, glycan, glycin, glycol, glycyl, glyphs, gnarls, gnarly, gnarrs, gnatty, gnawed, gnawer, gneiss, gnomes, gnomic, gnomon, gnoses, gnosis, goaded, goaled, goalie, goanna, goatee, gobang, gobans, gobbed, gobbet, gobble, gobies, goblet, goblin, goboes, gobony, goddam, godded, godown, godson, godwit, gofers, goffer, goggle, goggly, goglet, goings, goiter, goitre, golden, golder, golems, golfed, golfer, golosh, gombos, gomuti, gonads, gonefs, goners, gonged, goniff, gonifs, gonion, gonium, gonofs, gonoph, goober, goodby, goodie, goodly, goofed, googly, googol, gooier, gooney, goonie, gooral, goosed, gooses, goosey, gopher, gorals, gorged, gorger, gorges, gorget, gorgon, gorhen, gorier, gorily, goring, gorses, gospel, gossan, gossip, gothic, gotten, gouged, gouger, gouges, gourde, gourds, govern, gowans, gowany, gowned, graals, grabby, graben, graced, graces, graded, grader, grades, gradin, gradus, grafts, graham, grails, grains, grainy, gramas, gramme, gramps, grands, grange, granny, grants, granum, grapes, grapey, graphs, grappa, grasps, grassy, grated, grater, grates, gratin, gratis, graved, gravel, graven, graver, graves, gravid, grayed, grayer, grayly, grazed, grazer, grazes, grease, greasy, greats, greave, grebes, greeds, greedy, greens, greeny, greets, gregos, greige, gremmy, greyed, greyer, greyly, grided, grides, griefs, grieve, griffe, griffs, grifts, grigri, grille, grills, grilse, grimed, grimes, grimly, grinds, griots, griped, griper, gripes, gripey, grippe, grippy, grisly, grison, grists, griths, gritty, grivet, groans, groats, grocer, groggy, groins, grooms, groove, groovy, groped, groper, gropes, grosze, groszy, grotto, grotty, grouch, ground, groups, grouse, grouts, grouty, groved, grovel, groves, grower, growls, growly, growth, groyne, grubby, grudge, gruels, gruffs, gruffy, grugru, grumes, grumps, grumpy, grunge, grungy, grunts, grutch, guacos, guaiac, guanay, guanin, guanos, guards, guavas, guenon, guests, guffaw, guggle, guglet, guided, guider, guides, guidon, guilds, guiled, guiles, guilts, guilty, guimpe, guinea, guiros, guised, guises, guitar, gulags, gulden, gulfed, gulled, gullet, gulley, gulped, gulper, gumbos, gummas, gummed, gummer, gundog, gunman, gunmen, gunned, gunnel, gunnen, gunner, gunsel, gurged, gurges, gurgle, gurnet, gurney, gushed, gusher, gushes, gusset, gussie, gusted, guttae, gutted, gutter, guttle, guying, guyots, guzzle, gweduc, gybing, gypped, gypper, gypsum, gyrate, gyrene, gyring, gyrons, gyrose, gyving

7-letter words

gabbard, gabbart, gabbers, gabbier, gabbing, gabbled, gabbler, gabbles, gabbros, gabelle, gabfest, gabions, gabling, gaboons, gadders, gadding, gadgets, gadgety, gadoids, gadroon, gadwall, gaffers, gaffing, gaggers, gagging, gaggled, gaggles, gagster, gahnite, gainers, gainful, gaining, gainsay, gaiters, gaiting, galabia, galagos, galatea, galaxes, galeate, galenas, galenic, galeres, galilee, galiots, galipot, gallant, gallate, gallein, galleon, gallery, galleta, gallets, galleys, gallfly, gallied, gallies, galling, galliot, gallium, gallnut, gallons, galloon, galloot, gallops, gallous, gallows, galoots, galoped, galores, galoshe, galumph, galyacs, galyaks, gambade, gambado, gambias, gambier, gambirs, gambits, gambled, gambler, gambles, gamboge, gambols, gambrel, gamelan, gametes, gametic, gamiest, gamines, gamings, gammers, gammier, gamming, gammons, ganders, gangers, ganging, ganglia, gangrel, gangues, gangway, ganjahs, gannets, ganoids, gantlet, gaolers, gaoling, gaposis, gappier, gapping, garaged, garages, garbage, garbing, garbled, garbler, garbles, garboil, garcons, gardant, gardens, garfish, gargets, gargety, gargled, gargler, gargles, garigue, garland, garlics, garment, garners, garnets, garnish, garoted, garotes, garotte, garpike, garrets, garring, garrons, garrote, garters, garveys, gasbags, gascons, gaseous, gashest, gashing, gaskets, gasking, gaskins, gasless, gasohol, gaspers, gasping, gassers, gassier, gassing, gasters, gasting, gastral, gastrea, gastric, gastrin, gateaux, gateman, gatemen, gateway, gathers, gaucher, gauchos, gaudery, gaudier, gaudies, gaudily, gauffer, gaugers, gauging, gauming, gaunter, gauntly, gauntry, gausses, gauzier, gauzily, gavages, gaveled, gavials, gavotte, gawkers, gawkier, gawkies, gawkily, gawking, gawkish, gawping, gayness, gazabos, gazebos, gazelle, gazette, gazumps, gearbox, gearing, gecking, geckoes, geegaws, geekier, geezers, geishas, gelable, geladas, gelants, gelated, gelates, Gelatin, gelatos, gelders, gelding, gelidly, gellant, gelling, geminal, gemlike, gemmate, gemmier, gemmily, gemming, gemmule, gemotes, gemsbok, genders, general, generic, geneses, genesis, genetic, genette, genevas, genipap, genital, genitor, genoise, genomes, genomic, genseng, genteel, gentian, gentile, gentled, gentler, gentles, genuine, genuses, geodesy, geoduck, geoidal, geology, georgic, gerbera, gerbils, gerents, gerenuk, germane, germans, germens, germier, germina, gerunds, gessoed, gessoes, gestalt, gestapo, gestate, gesture, getable, getaway, getters, getting, gewgaws, geysers, gharris, ghastly, ghazies, gherkin, ghettos, ghiblis, ghillie, ghosted, ghostly, giaours, gibbers, gibbets, gibbing, gibbons, gibbose, gibbous, giblets, gibsons, giddied, giddier, giddies, giddily, giddyap, giddyup, gifting, gigabit, gigaton, gigging, giggled, giggler, giggles, giglets, giglots, gigolos, gilbert, gilders, gilding, gillers, gillied, gillies, gilling, gillnet, gimbals, gimlets, gimmals, gimmick, gimmies, gimpier, gimping, gingall, gingals, gingeli, gingely, gingers, gingery, gingham, gingili, gingiva, ginkgos, ginners, ginnier, ginning, ginseng, gippers, gipping, gipsied, gipsies, giraffe, girasol, girders, girding, girdled, girdler, girdles, girlies, girlish, girning, girosol, girshes, girthed, girting, gisarme, gitanos, gittern, gizzard, gjetost, glaceed, glacial, glacier, gladded, gladden, gladder, gladier, glaiket, glaikit, glaired, glaires, glaived, glaives, glamors, glamour, glanced, glancer, glances, glandes, glarier, glaring, glassed, glasses, glassie, glazers, glazier, glazing, gleamed, gleamer, gleaned, gleaner, gleeful, gleeked, gleeman, gleemen, gleeted, glenoid, gliadin, glibber, gliders, gliding, gliming, glimmer, glimpse, glinted, gliomas, glisten, glister, glitchy, glitter, glitzes, gloated, gloater, globate, globing, globins, globoid, globose, globous, globule, glochid, glomera, glommed, glonoin, gloomed, glopped, glorias, gloried, glories, glorify, glossae, glossal, glossas, glossed, glosser, glosses, glottal, glottic, glottis, glouted, glovers, gloving, glowers, glowfly, glowing, glozing, glucose, glueing, gluepot, glugged, gluiest, glummer, gluteal, glutens, gluteus, glutted, glutton, glycans, glycine, glycins, glycols, glycyls, glyphic, glyptic, gnarled, gnarred, gnashed, gnashes, gnathal, gnathic, gnawers, gnawing, gnocchi, gnomish, gnomist, gnomons, gnostic, goading, goalies, goaling, goannas, goateed, goatees, goatish, gobangs, gobbets, gobbing, gobbled, gobbler, gobbles, gobioid, goblets, goblins, gobonee, goddamn, goddams, goddess, godding, godhead, godhood, godless, godlier, godlike, godlily, godling, godowns, godroon, godsend, godship, godsons, godwits, goffers, goggled, goggler, goggles, goglets, goiters, goitres, goldarn, goldbug, goldest, goldeye, goldurn, golfers, golfing, goliard, goloshe, gomeral, gomerel, gomeril, gomutis, gonadal, gonadic, gondola, gonging, gonidia, gonidic, goniffs, gonophs, goobers, goodbye, goodbys, goodies, goodish, goodman, goodmen, goofier, goofily, goofing, googols, gooiest, goombah, goombay, gooneys, goonies, goopier, goorals, goosier, goosing, gophers, gorcock, gorgers, gorgets, gorging, gorgons, gorhens, goriest, gorilla, gormand, gorsier, goshawk, gosling, gospels, gosport, gossans, gossips, gossipy, gossoon, gothics, gothite, gouache, gougers, gouging, goulash, gourami, gourdes, gourmet, goutier, goutily, governs, gowaned, gowning, grabbed, grabber, grabble, grabens, gracile, gracing, grackle, gradate, graders, gradine, grading, gradins, gradual, grafted, grafter, grahams, grained, grainer, gramary, grammar, grammes, grampus, granary, grandad, grandam, grandee, grander, grandly, grandma, grandpa, granger, granges, granite, grannie, granola, granted, grantee, granter, grantor, granule, grapery, graphed, graphic, grapier, graplin, grapnel, grappas, grapple, grasped, grasper, grassed, grasses, graters, gratify, gratine, grating, gratins, graupel, gravels, gravely, gravers, gravest, gravida, gravies, graving, gravity, gravure, grayest, graying, grayish, graylag, grayout, grazers, grazier, grazing, greased, greaser, greases, greaten, greater, greatly, greaved, greaves, grecize, greeing, greened, greener, greenie, greenly, greenth, greeted, greeter, greiges, greisen, gremial, gremlin, gremmie, grenade, greyest, greyhen, greying, greyish, greylag, gribble, gridder, griddle, griding, grieved, griever, grieves, griffes, griffin, griffon, grifted, grifter, grigris, grilled, griller, grilles, grilses, grimace, grimier, grimily, griming, grimmer, grinded, grinder, grinned, grinner, gripers, gripier, griping, gripped, gripper, grippes, gripple, griskin, grisons, gristle, gristly, gritted, grivets, grizzle, grizzly, groaned, groaner, grocers, grocery, grogram, groined, grommet, groomed, groomer, grooved, groover, grooves, gropers, groping, grossed, grosser, grosses, grossly, grottos, grouchy, grounds, grouped, grouper, groupie, groused, grouser, grouses, grouted, grouter, grovels, growers, growing, growled, growler, grownup, growths, groynes, grubbed, grubber, grudged, grudger, grudges, grueled, grueler, gruffed, gruffer, gruffly, grugrus, grumble, grumbly, grummer, grummet, grumose, grumous, grumped, grumphy, grunges, grunion, grunted, grunter, gruntle, grushie, grutten, gruyere, gryphon, guaiacs, guanaco, guanase, guanays, guanine, guanins, guarani, guarded, guarder, guayule, gudgeon, guenons, guerdon, guessed, guesser, guesses, guested, guffaws, guggled, guggles, guglets, guiders, guiding, guidons, guilder, guiling, guimpes, guineas, guipure, guisard, guising, Guitars, gulches, guldens, gulfier, gulfing, gullets, gulleys, gullied, gullies, gulling, gulpers, gulpier, gulping, gumboil, gumboot, gumdrop, gumless, gumlike, gummata, gummers, gummier, gumming, gummite, gummose, gummous, gumshoe, gumtree, gumweed, gumwood, gunboat, gundogs, gunfire, gunless, gunlock, gunnels, gunners, gunnery, gunnies, gunning, gunplay, gunroom, gunsels, gunship, gunshot, gunwale, guppies, gurging, gurgled, gurgles, gurglet, gurnard, gurnets, gurneys, gurries, gurshes, gushers, gushier, gushily, gushing, gussets, gussied, gussies, gustier, gustily, gusting, gustoes, gutless, gutlike, gutsier, gutsily, guttate, gutters, guttery, guttier, gutting, guttled, guttler, guttles, guzzled, guzzler, guzzles, gweduck, gweducs, gymnast, gynecia, gynecic, gyplure, gyppers, gypping, gypsied, gypsies, gypster, gypsums, gyrally, gyrated, gyrates, gyrator, gyrenes

8-letter words

gabbards, gabbarts, gabbiest, gabblers, gabbling, gabbroic, gabbroid, gabelled, gabelles, gabfests, gadabout, gadarene, gadflies, gadgetry, gadroons, gadwalls, gadzooks, gaggling, gagsters, gahnites, gaieties, gainable, gainless, gainlier, gainsaid, gainsays, galabias, galabieh, galabiya, galactic, galangal, galateas, galavant, galaxies, galbanum, galeated, galenite, galilees, galipots, galivant, gallants, gallates, galleass, galleins, galleons, galleria, galletas, galleted, galliard, galliass, gallican, galliots, gallipot, galliums, gallnuts, galloons, galloots, galloped, galloper, gallused, galluses, gallying, galopade, galoping, galoshed, galoshes, galumphs, galvanic, gamashes, gambades, gambados, gambeson, gambiers, gamblers, gambling, gamboges, gamboled, gambrels, gambusia, gamecock, gamelans, gamelike, gameness, gamesome, gamester, gaminess, gammadia, gammiest, gammoned, gammoner, gamodeme, gandered, gangland, ganglial, gangliar, ganglier, gangling, ganglion, gangplow, gangrels, gangrene, gangster, gangways, ganister, gantlets, gantline, gantlope, gantries, ganymede, gapeseed, gapeworm, gapingly, gappiest, garaging, garbages, garbanzo, garblers, garbless, garbling, garboard, garboils, gardened, gardener, gardenia, gardyloo, garganey, garglers, gargling, gargoyle, garigues, garishly, garlands, garlicky, garments, garnered, garoting, garotted, garotter, garottes, garpikes, garrison, garroted, garroter, garrotes, garrotte, gartered, gasalier, gaselier, gashouse, gasified, gasifier, gasifies, gasiform, gaskings, gaslight, gasogene, gasohols, gasolene, gasolier, gasoline, gassiest, gassings, gastight, gastness, gastraea, gastreas, gastrins, gastrula, gasworks, gatefold, gateless, gatelike, gatepost, gateways, gathered, gatherer, gauchely, gauchest, gaudiest, gauffers, gauntest, gauntlet, gauziest, gaveling, gavelled, gavelock, gavotted, gavottes, gawkiest, gayeties, gaywings, gazaboes, gazeboes, Gazelles, gazetted, gazettes, gazogene, gazpacho, gazumped, gazumper, gearcase, gearings, gearless, geekiest, geepound, gelatine, gelating, gelatins, gelation, geldings, gelidity, gellants, gelsemia, geminate, gemmated, gemmates, gemmiest, gemmules, gemology, gemsboks, gemsbuck, gemstone, gendarme, gendered, generals, generate, generics, generous, genetics, genettes, genially, genipaps, genitals, genitive, genitors, geniture, geniuses, genocide, genoises, genotype, gensengs, gentians, gentiles, gentlest, gentling, gentrice, gentries, gentrify, geodesic, geodetic, geoducks, geognosy, geologer, geologic, geomancy, geometer, geometry, geophagy, geophone, geophyte, geoponic, geoprobe, georgics, geotaxes, geotaxis, geranial, geraniol, geranium, gerardia, gerberas, gerbille, gerenuks, germanic, germfree, germiest, germinal, gerontic, gesneria, gestalts, gestapos, gestated, gestates, gestical, gestural, gestured, gesturer, gestures, getaways, gettable, gettered, gharries, ghastful, gheraoed, gheraoes, gherkins, ghettoed, ghettoes, ghillies, ghostier, ghosting, ghoulish, giantess, giantism, gibbered, gibbeted, gibbsite, gibingly, giddiest, giddying, giftedly, giftless, giftware, gigabits, gigantic, gigatons, gigawatt, gigglers, gigglier, giggling, gilberts, gildhall, gildings, gillnets, gillying, gilthead, gimbaled, gimcrack, gimleted, gimmicks, gimmicky, gimpiest, gingalls, gingeley, gingelis, gingelli, gingelly, gingered, gingerly, ginghams, gingilis, gingilli, gingivae, gingival, gingkoes, ginkgoes, ginniest, ginnings, ginsengs, gipsying, giraffes, girasole, girasols, girdlers, girdling, girlhood, girosols, girthing, gisarmes, gitterns, giveable, giveaway, giveback, gizzards, gjetosts, glabella, glabrate, glabrous, glaceing, glaciate, glaciers, glacises, gladdens, gladdest, gladding, gladiate, gladiest, gladiola, gladioli, gladlier, gladness, gladsome, glairier, glairing, glamours, glancers, glancing, glanders, glandule, glariest, glassful, glassier, glassies, glassily, glassine, glassing, glassman, glassmen, glaucoma, glaucous, glaziers, glaziery, glaziest, glazings, gleamers, gleamier, gleaming, gleaners, gleaning, gleeking, gleesome, gleetier, gleeting, glegness, glenlike, gliadine, gliadins, glibbest, glibness, glimmers, glimpsed, glimpser, glimpses, glinting, gliomata, glissade, glistens, glisters, glitches, glitters, glittery, glitzier, gloaming, gloaters, gloating, globally, globated, globbier, globoids, globular, globules, globulin, glochids, glomming, glonoins, gloomful, gloomier, gloomily, glooming, glopping, gloriole, glorious, glorying, glossary, glosseme, glossers, glossier, glossies, glossily, glossina, glossing, glouting, glowered, glowworm, gloxinia, glucagon, glucinic, glucinum, glucoses, glucosic, gluelike, gluepots, glugging, glummest, glumness, glumpier, glumpily, glunched, glunches, glutelin, glutting, gluttons, gluttony, glyceric, glycerin, glycerol, glyceryl, glycines, glycogen, glycolic, glyconic, glycosyl, glyptics, gnarlier, gnarling, gnarring, gnashing, gnathion, gnathite, gnatlike, gnattier, gnawable, gnawings, gneisses, gneissic, gnomical, gnomists, gnomonic, goadlike, goalless, goalpost, goatfish, goatherd, goatlike, goatskin, gobblers, gobbling, gobioids, godchild, goddamns, godheads, godhoods, godliest, godlings, godroons, godsends, godships, goethite, goffered, gogglers, gogglier, goggling, goitrous, golconda, goldarns, goldbugs, goldener, goldenly, goldeyes, goldfish, goldurns, golfings, golgotha, goliards, golliwog, goloshes, gombroon, gomerals, gomerels, gomerils, gonadial, gondolas, goneness, gonfalon, gonfanon, gonglike, gonidial, gonidium, gonocyte, gonopore, goodbyes, goodlier, goodness, goodwife, goodwill, goofball, goofiest, googlies, goombahs, goombays, goopiest, goosiest, gorbelly, gorblimy, gorcocks, gorgedly, gorgeous, gorgerin, gorgeted, gorillas, goriness, gormands, gormless, gorsiest, goshawks, goslings, gospeler, gosports, gossamer, gossiped, gossiper, gossipry, gossoons, gossypol, gothites, gouaches, gouramis, gourmand, gourmets, goutiest, governed, governor, gownsman, gownsmen, grabbers, grabbier, grabbing, grabbled, grabbler, grabbles, graceful, graciles, gracilis, gracioso, gracious, grackles, gradable, gradated, gradates, gradient, gradines, graduals, graduand, graduate, graduses, graecize, graffiti, graffito, graftage, grafters, grafting, grainers, grainier, graining, gramarye, gramercy, grammars, grandads, grandame, grandams, granddad, grandees, grandest, grandeur, grandmas, grandpas, grandsir, grandson, grangers, granites, granitic, grannies, granolas, grantees, granters, granting, grantors, granular, granules, grapheme, graphics, graphing, graphite, grapiest, grapline, graplins, grapnels, grappled, grappler, grapples, graspers, grasping, grassier, grassily, grassing, grateful, gratinee, gratings, gratuity, graupels, gravamen, graveled, gravelly, gravidae, gravidas, gravidly, gravitas, graviton, gravures, grayback, grayfish, graylags, grayling, graymail, grayness, grayouts, grazable, graziers, grazings, grazioso, greasers, greasier, greasily, greasing, greatens, greatest, grecized, grecizes, greedier, greedily, greegree, greenbug, greenery, greenest, greenfly, greenier, greenies, greening, greenish, greenlet, greenths, greeters, greeting, greisens, gremials, gremlins, gremmies, grenades, grewsome, greyhens, greylags, greyness, gribbles, gridders, griddled, griddles, gridiron, gridlock, grievant, grievers, grieving, grievous, griffins, griffons, grifters, grifting, grillade, grillage, grillers, grilling, grimaced, grimacer, grimaces, grimiest, grimmest, grimness, grinders, grindery, grinding, grinners, grinning, gripiest, grippers, grippier, gripping, gripsack, griseous, grisette, griskins, grislier, gristles, grittier, grittily, gritting, grizzled, grizzler, grizzles, groaners, groaning, groggery, groggier, groggily, grograms, grogshop, groining, grommets, gromwell, groomers, grooming, groovers, groovier, grooving, grosbeak, groschen, grossers, grossest, grossing, grottier, grottoes, grouched, grouches, grounded, grounder, groupers, groupies, grouping, groupoid, grousers, grousing, grouters, groutier, grouting, groveled, groveler, growable, growlers, growlier, growling, grownups, grubbers, grubbier, grubbily, grubbing, grubworm, grudgers, grudging, gruelers, grueling, gruelled, grueller, gruesome, gruffest, gruffier, gruffily, gruffing, gruffish, gruiform, grumbled, grumbler, grumbles, grummest, grummets, grumphie, grumpier, grumpily, grumping, grumpish, grungier, grunions, grunters, grunting, gruntled, gruntles, grutched, grutches, gruyeres, gryphons, guacharo, guaiacol, guaiacum, guaiocum, guanacos, guanases, guanidin, guanines, guaranis, guaranty, guardant, guarders, guardian, guarding, guayules, gudgeons, guerdons, guerilla, guernsey, guessers, guessing, guesting, guffawed, guggling, guidable, guidance, guideway, guilders, guileful, guiltier, guiltily, guipures, guisards, guitguit, gulfiest, gulflike, gulfweed, gullable, gullably, gullible, gullibly, gullying, gulosity, gulpiest, gumboils, gumboots, gumbotil, gumdrops, gummiest, gummites, gummoses, gummosis, gumption, gumshoed, gumshoes, gumtrees, gumweeds, gumwoods, gunboats, gunfight, gunfires, gunflint, gunkhole, gunlocks, gunmetal, gunnings, gunnybag, gunpaper, gunplays, gunpoint, gunrooms, gunships, gunshots, gunsmith, gunstock, gunwales, gurglets, gurgling, gurnards, guruship, gushiest, gusseted, gussying, gustable, gustiest, gustless, gutsiest, guttated, guttered, guttiest, guttlers, guttling, guttural, guzzlers, guzzling, gweducks, gymkhana, gymnasia, gymnasts, gynaecea, gynaecia, gynandry, gynarchy, gynecium, gynecoid, gyniatry, gynoecia, gyplures, gypseian, gypseous, gypsters, gypsydom, gypsying, gypsyish, gypsyism, gyrating, gyration, gyrators, gyratory, gyroidal, gyrostat

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13y ago

No. The board game plans to add 3,000 new words to its official dictionary, including several slang terms like "thang" (9 points) and "grrl" (5 points) as well as pop culture touchstones, like Facebook and MySpace.

Turning the most heads is the inclusion of "innit," a condensation of "isn't it" that will earn you 5 points - and the undying hatred of any English majors who are playing along.

In addition, two new "Q" words have been added that don't require a "u". "Qin" (a Chinese Zither, with strings stretched across a flat box) will earn you 12 points, while "Fiqh" (an expansion of Islamic sharia law) will add 19 to your score. Each will also almost certainly have your opponents rushing to challenge the words.

The push to make the game more relevant to a generation that's more familiar with "Words with Friends" is a risky one. While updating the dictionary makes it a more hip game, the move is bound to upset some fans, who have always taken pride in the fact that the game was never "dumbed down".

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10y ago

The best words to use during your Scrabble turn usually are the highest-scoring words you can spell with the letters in your rack. Sometimes, the best word to spell during your turn is a word which will allow you to expand and get even more points during your next turn.

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12y ago


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11y ago

it, on, at, he, we, to, if, in, an... if its in the dictionary, its ok (ok isnt one, its an abbrv.)

See related links for all allowable 2-letter Scrabble words.

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12y ago

There is an official dictionary depending on which country you play in. The official US dictionary is called the "Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary". It contains about 200,000 words.

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11y ago

Usually it is the highest-scoring word your letters will allow you to make.

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