

What are some good social media sites?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Myspace still has it's loyal users. Friendster is a dying site. Right now facebook is leading the pack and will continue until something else catches on.

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Q: What are some good social media sites?
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Social Media SitesThere are thousands if not millions of social media sites if you count blogs, wikis, social networks, discussion boards and so on. We can define social media as "community information sharing technologies." The big social media sites you probably know about already: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. These are successful because they provide a unique user experience, and value to the user in some way.You could type this questions into Google and it could also now include which is the 2nd most searched site on a daily basis after Google. You might also find Flickr for photograph sharing. You might also consider both business and personal blogs as social media sites as some/most allow you to comment on the original blog post and subsequent comments.

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Write Five examples of social media accessible today?

Here are some of the top Social Media sites;Facebook- considered as the top social media sites when it comes to numbers of users. As of second week of September 2011 it ranks 2nd most popular site in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic rankings.Youtube- 3rd most popular site according to Alexa Trafiic ranking.Twitter- a micro-blogging site which rank 11th on Alexa Traffic ranking.Google+- launch on June 2011, and considered as Google's entry to social media landscape after failing on its previous social media sites Orkut and Google Buzz.

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One can view the Avril Lavigne interview from video sites. Some of these sites include YouTube, Todou, Vimeo, Daily Motion, and Hulu. Some social media sites like MySpace and Facebook also contains the Avril Lavigne interview and one can view them as long as the social media site owner has made it for public viewing.

Why does everyone like Social Media?

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What are different types of social media?

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