

What are some good things about animal testing?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What are some good things about animal testing?
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Do animal Testing still exist?

in some places, in the United states it is.

Is some animal testing required by law?

No. There is no legal requirement for animal testing.

Are there good animal tests?

The only way that any animal testing is "good" is because if it is safe on the animal, then it is generally safe on the person. This makes products for people safe to use. You have to weigh this up with the need though. Is it always needed to torture hundreds of animals for your makeup? This is why some people choose only to support medical animal testing, or no animal testing at all.

What are some moral beliefs on animal testing?

if you believe in animal have no morals,,,i no this because i just wrote a 5 page paper on animal testing and its horrid

Medical testing on animals is right. da S hI t?

Medical testing on animals is viewed as right to some people. To others animal testing is not a good thing at all.

Are dogs used for animal testing?

Some dogs are used for animal testing. yes

What is a doctors views on animal testing?

Well sometimes we have to kill the animal to get the things we need to test but most of the time we don't kill them. It's not great when we have to kill the animal as we have wasted some of its life

Why is animal testing legal?

Animal testing is legal because animal testing has been used to cure some of the deadliest ailments. Animals used in testing are also mostly rats and mice, who have safe, comfortable homes.

What are some good things that I could put in a sweet 16 gift basket for my friend who likes fashion animal prints shopping a lot of girly stuff so what are some little things I could put in it?

I think that some good things to put in the basket you are going to give her would be: 1. an animal print wallet 2. an animal print purse 3. a real animal hide (if possibly!) These are some good things to put into an animal print lover. These things are all fashionable and fun!

Does guerlain do animal testing?

According to Vichy does use animal testing for some of its products. And it is good to keep in mind that Vichy is owned by L'Oréal Paris, one of the biggest animal testing companies on the planet.

What are some websites with interviews about animal testing?

hey well has stuff about animal testing and petitoosn and a list of companies that test =)

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do the benefits of animal testing outweigh the financial costs? -apex