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One of my favorites is A Choirs Line. It has amazing jazz dancers in it.

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Q: What are some musicals that have jazz dance?
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What made jazz dance so popular in America?

Broadway musicals

How many musicals have jazz dance in?

I'd say mainly just Chicago. And maybe Thoroughly Modern Millie. Jazz/tap, I guess.

What jazz musicals are there?

Chicago the musical

What are some excellent Jazz Dancing Companies for a project due some please Help?

Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago, Decidedly Jazz Danceworks, Columbia City Jazz Dance Company, and Savage Jazz Dance Company are all good places to start! Good Luck!

What is the most common type of dance in Broadway?

Broadway, or musical dance, has fused somewhat into a distinct style. While different musicals vary in the amounts of dance in them (anywhere from none to a focus on dance), the style of dance also varies completely based on the choreographical, stylistic, and plot-based influences. The overall "broadway dance style", if it had to be categorized, is most heavily focussed on jazz dance. Ballet is rarely used in musicals (The Phantom of the Opera is one exception.)

Should you tap dance or jazz dance?

jazz is cool dance

Do you get more flexible in modern dance or jazz dance?

Modern dance requires more flexibility than jazz dance.

What kind of music do you dance to in ballet and jazz?

In Jazz you dance to almost everything that has beat

How does jazz dance and jazz music connect?

they have absolutely nothing to do with one anothers. Jazz dance is usually to pop music.

What types of dance can you dance on on fifteen?

the type of dances you can dance at 15 are ballet, jazz, and lyrical (mix of jazz and ballet)

Why did bobby valintino create jazz dance?

Bobby Valintino started jazz dance to make a new dance style

How do you dance the jazz music?

The way that you dance to jazz music, is that you dance to the beat. Usually with a partner; referablly slow and spicy!