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Too broad a question to answer here. There are literally thousands of court actions in which defendants claiming mental illness have been ajudicated. The classic example of a mental illness defense would be the "inability to distinguish right from wrong."

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Q: What are some reasons mentally handicapped people shouldn't be responsible for there actions?
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Should mentally handicapped people be held accountable for their actions?

It depends on the individual's ability to understand consequences and make informed decisions. In cases where someone lacks the mental capacity to understand their actions, they may not be held fully accountable. However, support and guidance should be provided to help them make better choices in the future.

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In belgium it's till the age of 23 that you are financially responsible for the actions of your spouse.

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We are all responsible for our actions, whether obeying orders or not.

At what age does a child become morally responsible for his actions?

now adays kids of 13 and 14 are also not responsible for their actions from 15 kids start to become responsible.

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