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The cuneiform,wheel,ect.

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Q: What are some sumerians advances and achievements?
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How did sumerians achievements spread to other lands?

Achievements spread Through Trade

Did Sumerians make advances in science and math?


What were some of the sumerians advances in government?

they used trade and had a strong millatire this answer is from abass braimah from cims high school

What are six of the Sumerians advances and inventions?

check it yourself suck

Did the sumerians make advances in math and science?

The Sumerians based their numbering system on 60 and that resolved into a big achievement in Sumerian society.

What where some of the main advances in civilization made by the Sumerians?

The Sumerians were one of the first civilizations to develop the wheel, which led to technological advances in agriculture and warfare. They also developed one of the world's two oldest writing systems.

What were the sumerians achievements?

well the Sumerians were great contributors to early mathematics and language. after long civil wars and border disputes made their military strong.

What is an ancient sumerians technological achievements in history?

it is cuneiform because it teaches people how to communicate .

What achievements in math did the sumerians make?

Sumerians made several things including The Calendar, 60 minute Idea, and even created several units of measurement.

How did the Sumerians' achievements spread to other lands?

Their accomplishments is earliest known system of writing.

What are some of the lasting achievements of the Sumerians?

Sumerians developed important mathematical ideas. They also created a number system based on 60. We have them to thank for our 60-minute hour, 60 second minute and the 360- degree circle.They used geometry to measure fields and put up bulidings

What were the sumerian advances in farming?

the Sumerians had rich soil and water to grow crops and were able to control the rivers flooding.