

What are some warning signs of alcoholism?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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This is a progressive illness so I will start at the beginning. There are many warning signs of alcoholism. Some of the early signs are drinking longer or more the planed (saying your going for a one or two and end up drinking more) we like to think it was because we were having a good time. Starting to miss time or under perform at work, spending time drinking when other things need attention. Saying to oneself " I'll never drink again" and then drank again. (Alcoholics have a short memory about trouble or humiliation while drinking). Starting to lie (minimize) about how much or how often one drinks. Planning when we can drink , counting the number of drinks so we wont get to drunk. Starting to take a morning drink to calm our nerves,(hair of the dog). This morning drink progresses to the point where we can't sleep for more than a few hours without a drink. Countless attempts to control our drinking or to stopping altogether without much success. May or may not start taking sedatives to calm our nerves and anxiety. Then things get worse, we start seeking medical attention for things like "stress or bad nerves" showing up at hospitals and treatment centers. If we don't stop we start getting things like delirium tremems (organ music coming out of the walls, seeing and feeling bugs crawling all over us) liver disease, stomach and intestinal bleeding, corsica (wet brain) insanity and death. Although the illness varies, this is roughly Alcoholism from start to finish if left untreated. The average social drinker never thinks about how much or how often they drink. They can take it or leave it alone. If someone thinks they might have a problem with alcohol , they most likely already do.

Unexplained money problems. Missing committments or being late. Mystery illnesses, Problems in relationships or at work.
Unexplained money problems. Missing committments or being late. Mystery illnesses, Problems in relationships or at work.

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