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Torn leg muscles will be notice by limping, favoring the leg, heat on the skin, tenderness and a desire not to be touched on the afflicted limb. Be aware that these symptoms describe many afflictions, the best thing to do is call your local livestock vet over for a proper diagnosis.

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Q: What are symptoms of a torn muscle in goats?
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A strain is a torn or stretched muscle or tendon.

What is the difference a muscle strain and tendonitis?

A sprain is an injury in which a muscle is overstretched or torn. Tendinitis is an injury that occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed or torn. That's the difference between a muscle sprain and tendinitis.

What is the difference between a muscle strain and tendons?

A sprain is an injury in which a muscle is overstretched or torn. Tendinitis is an injury that occurs when a tendon becomes inflamed or torn. That's the difference between a muscle sprain and tendinitis.

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A strain is an injury in which a muscle?

Over stretched or torn

What causes torn muscle?

Any physical stress directly or indirectly applied to said muscle.