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You will start to get round dots that are red and flaky that look like chicken pox that will constanly itch

Answer2: My daughter and my niece had this when young adolescents. My niece' doctor told her she had an angry case. It usually starts in what the doctors call a tree formation. Somewhere on the face, neck or chest as a small spot, blemish or hive like rash and works its way down the body to arms, chest, back , butt and legs. Best to keep covered and avoid the sun, use things like Aveeno Bath and calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream. Avoid being in the shower over 2 minutes, make sure the water is very hot. It will get all better soon.

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Q: What are the Symptoms of Pityriasis?
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What does pityriasis rosea feel like?

In addition to pruritus, some patients have prodromal symptoms, which are warning symptoms that occur before the herald patch appears. Prodromal symptoms of pityriasis rosea may include fever

How long does pityriasis rosea last?

spots, which may be itchy, last for 3-12 weeks. Symptoms rarely recur

What is steatoides?

pityriasis steatoides - also known as or related to pityriasis steatoides ( disorder), steatoid pityriasis, greasy dandruff (steatoid pityriasis)

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The correct pronunciation of pityriasis lichenoides et is pit-ih-RYE-uh-sis lih-kuh-NOY-deez et.

What age group does Pityriasis rosea most commonly affect?

Pityriasis rosea is most common in young adults, and appears up to 50% more often in women

What medical condition begins with herald spot?

Pityriasis rosea

What are the main symptoms of pityriasis rosea?

slightly raised, scaly-edged round or oval pink-copper colored spots on the trunk and upper arms. The spots, which have a wrinkled center and a sharp border, sometimes resemble a Christmas tree.

What is the prognosis for pityriasis rosea?

Pityriasis rosea is a harmless, common skin problem. In most patients, the condition lasts only a matter of weeks; in some cases it can last longer (up to six months). The disease resolves completely without long-term effects.

Can your 4 year old get Pityriasis Rosea?

Pityriasis rosea is the name given to a type of rash that can appear on the skin. It will usually last for 6 to 8 weeks and then disapper on its own. Anyone can get it including a 4 year old.

What are the 2 main types of dandruff?

Two types of dandruff are Pityriasis-capitis and Seborrhea dermatitis. Pityriasis-capitis can be recognised by dry white flakes whereas Seborrhea dermatitis is very greasy, thick, oily and scaly.

What is the medical term for dandruff it is pityriasis?

The medical term is Seborrhea which is a form of skin eczema.

Can pityriasis rosea spread to your face?

It says rarely, but I had several on my face and soars in my mouth as well.