

What are the best career choices for psychopaths?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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public office,contract killer ,actor

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Q: What are the best career choices for psychopaths?
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You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.You pick the school that best serves your overall career goals and objectives.

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The MAPP™ career test is the first and best online career assessment for students, graduates and working adults. The free career test takes 15 minutes to fill out and gives you a wealth of information to help you make wise career choices.

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This is a hard question to answer due to the fact that a psychopath is not a diagnosed disorder that is divided among genders. The best way to explain this would be that it is a state of being in the sense that psychopaths are identified by their similar actions. Psychopaths are extremely smart and have no remorse. This is what makes a psychopath so it is impossible to differentiate a psychopath among different genders.

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Is there a web site where I can find advice on the best career choices?

If you go to and search career planning, there you will find tools to help with making the right choice. They have a self assessment test and can direct you to a career counselor. Both of which could be very beneficial for you.