

Best Answer
  1. Mammals have fur, while birds have feathers
  2. Mammals give birth to live babies, birds lay eggs
  3. Mammals feed their babies milk, birds find the babies food
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12y ago
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10y ago

Birds have hollow bones, while most mammals do not.

Birds lay eggs, while 99% of mammals do not except for a platypus.

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Q: What are the characteristics of mammals have that distinguish them from birds?
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Is mammals and birds are species that closely related?

No. Despite sharing some characteristics mammals and birds are not closely related.

Bats are flying animals but are not birds.Why?

Bats are not birds because they are mammals as they have the characteristics of a mammal. They have these characteristics which enable them to be classified as mammals. They are warm blooded, and they have fur.

Are birds considered to be mammals?

Birds and mammals are mutually exclusive categories of animal. Monotremes (duckbilled platypus and echidna) are sometimes incorrectly said to be "half-bird" because they lay eggs instead of giving live birth, but they share more characteristics with mammals and are classified as such.

What are the five vertebrate groups characteristics?

Mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish are the five groups of animals.

Are birds of paradise mammals?

Of course not birds are mammals !!!!!!!!!!!No, they are birds.

What is useful classification?

to distinguish a group of things with similar characteristics e.g. mammals are all warm blooded, reptiles cold blooded.

Are birds and mammals the same?

No. Mammals and birds are both vertebrates, particularly amniotes, but beyond this they are not relate to each other. They share a number of characteristics including:Warm bloodednessA high metabolic rateA four-Chambered heartA soft covering over their skincaring for their young.But Mammals and birds developed these traits separately.

What 3 three characteristics distinguish birds from other animals?

Birds-------------------------mammalsfeathers--------------------furEggs-----------------------live youngdoesnt produce milk------produces milk

What characteristics do birds and mammals have in common?

Birds and mammals both have the following:a backbone and internal skeleton, as they are vertebratesthey are warm-bloodedthey breathe using lungs (not gills)

Are eagles mammals?

No, they are birds.

Are birds the only mammals with feathers?

No. Birds are not mammals.