

What are the colors of a piranhas eye?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are the colors of a piranhas eye?
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What are the colors of piranhas?

Piranhas can be different color based on the species. Most piranhas are black with an orange chest.

Why do piranhas have have fins?

Yes they come in many different colors.

What colors do your eye appreciate?

your eye appreciates dark colors

Which colors are your eye drawn to?

Red and yellow. That is why McDonalds and In-n-Out are these colors, to draw your eye.

What is a piranhas color?

it has so many colors , and so beautiful , but it is so dangerous for us . keep away from them

How do dogs get two different eye colors?

It is not wrong for a dog to have two eye colors It just their way of life

How can you have several colors in one eye?

You have different pigments in the eye.

How can eye contacts have different colors?

Yes! It can have many designs and colors!

How long do piranhas get?

As long as piranhas get.

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What makes colors the colors they are?

the lenses that are in your eye it depends on the colors inside your eyelense. some can see color depending on the lense and aome are color blind by the tthicker lense in your eye.