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The #1 complication of Pervasive developmental disorder is that people with it have trouble making friends because they can't relate to other people, and don't have very much social skills.

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Q: What are the complications of Pervasive Developmental disorder?
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Is pervasive developmental disorder genetic?

Yes pervasive developmental disorder genetic. Try to keep away from it it is a very bad disorder.

What is PDD?

PDD is an acronym for pervasive developmental disability, which is a description of a type of developmental disorder. It means the same as autism spectrum disorder. It encompasses five conditions: autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD-Not Otherwise Specified. See the related question below "What are autism spectrum disorders?" for more details.

What does it mean in an evaluation report to Rule Out - Pervasive Developmental Disorder-NOS?

Rule out means that the doctor has examined/assessed/interviewd the patient, evaluated all the diagnositic studies and ruled out everything related to the patients complaints and findings. The doctor has done this; so he (ruled out) R/O Pervasive Developmental Disorder-NOS.

What are common symptoms for PDD or Pervasive Developmental Disorder?

The most common symptoms for Pervasive Developmental Disorders often include problems with communication, such as difficulty in understanding language or events, lack of eye contact, difficulty with changes in routine, and even difficulty in cuddling.

What is an example of Pervasive Developmental Disorder?

Pervasive Developmental Disorders,or PDD, are a range of disorders in which young children display delays in skills, especially social skills. Autism falls into this category, as does Asperger's syndrome and Rett's syndrome.

What are other names for autism?

Including but not limited to: Autism (ASD), Asperger's Syndrome, Kanner's Syndorome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PPD), and Rhett's Syndrome.

Is Cerebral Palsy a desise?

No, Cerebral Palsy is a developmental disorder caused by complications either before birth or just after birth.

What is PDD-NOS?

ANSWER: PDD or Pervasive Developmental Disorder is actually a bit of a misnomer. Many doctors who would not like to commit to giving a diagnosis of Autism will tell the parents that their child has PDD or PDD NOS. ANSWER: PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. PDD is another name for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Some doctors use PDD when they mean PDD-NOS. Some doctors use PDD as what it is - a set of disorders. PDD is not a diagnosis; it is a description of a category of developmental disorders. PDD-NOS is a diagnosis. It describes a condition that has the characteristics of a pervasive developmental disorder, but does not fit the criteria for one of the other PDDs. Sometimes, doctors will use the diagnosis of PDD-NOS when it is apparent that the child has a pervasive developmental disorder, but the exact one cannot yet be determined - perhaps because the child is too young to identify certain symptoms, or the disorder is not severe enough to differentiate from the others yet, or comorbid conditions are making it difficult to differentiate among the disorders. Some doctors prefer not to give a diagnosis of autism until they feel absolutely sure that it is autism, so they diagnose the child with PDD-NOS until they are certain.

Is Asperger's syndrome understood?

Not fully. However, professionals are making great strides towards understanding it. It is already known to be an autism-spectrum disorder and pervasive developmental disorder, but its exact causes are still unknown, and it still cannot be "cured."

Does sickness effect autistic people?

Autism is not a sickness. Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder. It is a condition with a genetic component that affects the way the brain works.

What does the medical abbreviation PDD mean?

Pervasive Development Disorder

Are autism spectrum or pervasive developmental disorders preventable?

No. They are not preventable, as far as science currently knows.