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Yes, you can. Whether or not it is wise is another question entirely. I don't have a gallbladder anymore, and my doctor didn't give me any specific guidelines about fatty foods. Fatty foods in general aren't very healthy, so "should" and "can" are different things here. :) I still eat Pizza and cake as often as I used to. Basically your gallbladder is almost useless so you shouldn't worry too much about it. Your gallbladder is just a sack containing bile, bile is produced by the liver so it isn't too much different after the surgery. However, the bile is stronger and a little more effective after sitting in the gallbladder for awhile so there are small differences in your body's digestion.

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16y ago
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14y ago

When I got mine taken out, I could only eat things that are health and soft on my stomach. Nothing to heavy like pizza or any kind of greasy food. I advise you to start from light foods such as fruit and veggies, and work your way up to heavier foods so your body can get used to it. Also, after you eat, don't lay on your stomach, it will cause horrible pain.

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8y ago

There are usually no dietary restrictions after gallbladder surgery.

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8y ago

Maybe nothing, or maybe you will get diarrhea because your body isn't quite as good at processing fat.

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15y ago

anything fried

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Q: What happens after you eat greasy foods after you had your gallbladder out?
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Can you smoke after gallbladder surgery?

Yes. You should be able to eat a normal diet after gallbladder surgery. However, you may want to avoid greasy or spice foods for awhile.

Have gallbladder stones what not to eat?

Avoid fatty and greasy foods, as they can trigger gallbladder attacks. Also steer clear of spicy foods, high cholesterol foods, and foods high in sugar. It's advisable to consult a healthcare provider for personalized dietary recommendations.

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There are no dietary restrictions when you have chickenpox. You can eat what you like.

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Why can't you eat greasy foods when you have chickenpox?

There are no dietary restrictions when you have chickenpox. You can eat what you like.

When you eat greasy foods and it hurts quite bad on the right side of your body what could be causing that?

I had the same thing happen to me. My problem was my gall bladder, I had it surgically removed. Go to the doc. and get a sonogram that will tell you if its your gallbladder. good luck:)

What happens when the gallbladder is remove?

The ability for your body to digest fats may be somewhat reduced. Eating a lot of fats could cause diarrhea.

What foods should you not eat?

Anything deep fried or greasy. Super salty/sweet foods. Fast foods. Mostly T.V. dinners!

Can you get fatter buttucks but not a fatter stomach?

Yes! Eat more greasy foods and do sit ups.

What is an appropriate diet for after weight loss surgery?

To start you will wanna eat light foods. Stay away from starchy foods, or greasy foods, those will only make you very sick to your stomach, the eventually you can eat better foods, but its not what you can/cannot eat its how much of it you eat..... eat in moderation

What happens if you eat too much salami?

You get fat and gassy and could cause gallbladder problems

Do you agree that 'You are what you eat' and why do you say so?

In a way, yes. And also no.Yes because:# If you eat plenty of fats or greasy foods, then you will become fat and greasy. # If you eat nothing, you will become nothing, as in death.No because:# Well, if you eat a slice of bread, you're not going to turn into bread.