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There isn't any, for the most part. It is dangerous if you are positioned near nuclear or radioactive materials while being unprotected for a short to extended time is considered dangerous and could as well be dangerous. But to civilians on the outside, quite harmless. But when the plant goes through a meltdown, boom, it's dangerous.

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Q: What are the harmful influence of nuclear power and what can be done?
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What can be done to relieve the problem of nuclear power?

Please state what you think the problem is

Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plant?

Nuclear power is neither good nor bad. The way nuclear power is produced (Safety) can be good or bad, though. Nuclear power can be generated by small power plants, creates no air pollution, and is safe when done right.

Is solar power or nuclear power better?

The 'power' that comes from a both nuclear and solar is the same - it's electricity. Nuclear power is quite clean while it is being produced (assuming nothing goes wrong with the plant), however getting rid of the harmful nuclear waste after it's use is an extremely difficult pollution problem. Solar power is 100% clean, and no harmful waste is caused after it's useful life. If you were to power a house with solar electricity, it can either be done by suplimenting the electricity needs at night with other green electicity (such as from a green energy supplier), or the electricity from the solar panels can be stored in solar batteries then power will be available day and night. Looking at the very short term problem, nuclear produces a lot of power and is clean (apart from after it's use). Looking at long term, and the need to reduce pollution and nuclear waste then more solar power is better. Nuclear and solar should work together - If more houses/buildings were powered by solar (and other green electicity) then it would mean reducing the need for quite as many nuclear power stations.

How is energy stored in nuclear power?

Energy produced by nuclear power cannot be stored, it has to be used as soon as it is produced. This is done by producing steam from the thermal energy released and using this in a conventional power plant

Is nuclear energy harmful or helpful?

It can be quite harmful. That depends on regulations, planning, quality of design, quality of construction, quality of operation, and many other factors. As in any other technology humans use.

Can you build nuclear power stations underground?

If you had a large enough cavern I suppose this could be done

What is being done to reverse nuclear power?

You can't reassemble the U235 nucleus after it has fissioned, so you can't put nuclear power into reverse.

What has nuclear energy done for the environment?

Nuclear power does not produce emissions like CO2 and sulphur dioxide that are produced when fossil fuels are burned.

What does nuclear power and nuclear weapons have in common?

They both utilise nuclear fission, in which nuclei of U-235 or Pu-239 are split apart which releases enormous energy. In nuclear power this is done at a comparatively slow controllable rate, in a weapon you want a very rapid reaction to create a huge blast of energy.

What should be done about the radioactive waste from nuclear power?

Contain and control to heat things, just like our planet does.

What has been done with nuclear waste?

The honest answer is the USA has been producing a great deal of nuclear waste and ignoring the problem of what to do with it. President Obama wants more nuclear power plants, but, has not said what to do with nuclear waste. A lot of waste is stored in nuclear power plants, but, they are getting filled up fast, and that is not really a good idea. The possibility of an accident or theft is very real.

What is the constitution issue with banning nuclear power plants?

Which country are you thinking of? I know that some years ago there was in Italy a national referendum that banned further nuclear plants, I have not heard of any other country that has done this.