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The four stages of reconciliation with God:


This is when you examine your conscience to recall the various way that offense has been given to God by breaking His laws. You have to realise what you did wrong and try to make things better by praying and 'make up' with someone.


You have to own up to your mortal sins, and regular venial sins. You don't need to confess all venial sins, but only those for which the spiritual gifts of the sacrament are most needed. You can do this by telling the person who you hurt, what was said or done and why. This is when you say an explanation for your actions. Also reconciliation is when the priest listens to your confession and hears is.


In the sacrament of Penance, which causes healing and reconciliation with God, the Church and the human community. The satisfaction has two parts: the penance and the prayer of sorrow. You have to return something which you stole or even mend something which you broke. This is when you 'make-up' for the offence.


Absolution is the act of the priest by which, in the Sacrament of Penance, he frees man from sin.

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13y ago

Penance, also known as confession and reconciliation, is one of the sacraments of healing in the Church. The sacrament encompasses four parts: contrition, confession, satisfaction or penance, and absolution.

  • Contrition means that we are sorry for our sins, and we intend to try to do better.
  • Confession is the act of stating our sins to a priest. This is always required with mortal or serious sins, but is also a good and pious practice with venial or less serious sins.
  • Satisfaction or penance consists of prayers or particular actions the priest assigns to us to show our sorrow, and to make some amends for our actions.
  • And finally absolution - the words Jesus Christ speaks to us, through the priest - freeing us from our sins.

Jesus set up this sacrament as a way to heal sin and human weakness. He told the apostles: "Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained" (John 20:21-22).

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12y ago

The current Roman Catholic <i>Rite of Penance</i> consists of the following elements: * Before entering the confessional, a penitent performs an <b>examination of conscience</b>, asking God to enlighten one's heart to the blindess caused by sin, and to help one achieve true contrition for sin. (Generally, this is just as important as the parts that follow.) * Upon entering the confessional, there is a greeting and perhaps a reading from scripture. The penetent tells how long it has been since their previous confession and then proceeds to <b>confesses his/her sins</b>. In the case of mortal sin, an effort should be made (without undue scruple) to express the number and kind of sins. * The priest may offer counsel and advice to the penitent in persevering in the life of grace. This is followed by the assignment of a <b>penance</b> which is meant to aid the penitent in his/her struggle against sin and express the penitent's desire to cooperate with the graces of the sacrament in resisting sin in the future. The penitent should indicate the acceptance of the penance, or let the priest know if he/she cannot complete the penance and needs a different one. * After this the penitent expresses his or her sorrow by making an <b>Act of Contrition</b>. Perfect contrition (expressing sorrow for sins out of the love of God) is desirable, but imperfect contrition (also known as 'attrition', expressing sorrow out of fear of the loss of heaven or the pains of hell or some other motive,) is sufficient for the sacrament. * The priest then grants <b>absolution</b>, saying "... I absolve you of your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." The priest then dismisses the penitent. * When the penitent leaves the confessional, he/she is to give thanks to God for the forgivness of sins, and as soon as practical, complete the assigned penance. Absolution is the sacramental act of forgiving sin, thus one is in the state of grace may receive Communion, even if the penance has not yet been completed. These elements may be adapted or re-ordered in the context of communal celebrations or radically modified in certain pastoral care or emergency situations. In all cases, the priest at least pronounces the prayer of absolution.

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11y ago

There are 7 sacraments grouped under three headings:

  • Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
  • Healing: Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick
  • Service: Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders

The sacrament of reconciliation itself goes by different names, though not specifically 4 in number:

  • It is called the sacrament of conversion because it makes sacramentally present Jesus' call to conversion, the first step in returning to the Father from whom one has strayed by sin. (CCC no. 1423)
  • It is called the sacrament of Penance, since it consecrates the Christian sinner's personal and ecclesial steps of conversion, penance, and satisfaction. (CCC no. 1423)
  • It is called the sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest is an essential element of this sacrament. In a profound sense it is also a "confession" - acknowledgement and praise - of the holiness of God and of his mercy toward sinful man. (CCC no. 1424)
  • It is called the sacrament of forgiveness, since by the priest's sacramental absolution God grants the penitent "pardon and peace." (CCC no. 1424)
  • It is called the sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the love of God who reconciles: "Be reconciled to God." [2 Cor 5:20] He who lives by God's merciful love is ready to respond to the Lord's call: "Go; first be reconciled to your brother." [Mt 5:24] (CCC no. 1424)

To receive the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) worthily, there are five conditions, or, an examination of conscience followed by four conditions (Baltimore Catechism Lesson 29, no. 384):

  1. examine one's conscience
  2. be sorry for one's sins (perfect contrition ideally, though imperfect contrition, also called attrition, is sufficient)
  3. have the firm purpose of not sinning again
  4. confess one's sins to a priest
  5. be willing to perform the penance the priest gives


Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Catechism of the Catholic Church, (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1994).

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11y ago


Catholic AnswerTechnically there is only one sacrament of Reconciliation: the Sacrament of Confession. Baptism and Anointing would also be considered as reconciling a person to God. A fourth? Perhaps the Most Holy Eucharist?
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12y ago

1) Contrition

2) Confession

3) Penance

4) Absolution

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11y ago

It is Absolution, Contrition, Penance, confession.

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