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With the exception of nitrogen which is a gas the rest, P, As, Sb, Bi are solids at room temperature. Arsenic and antimony are metalloids, bismuth is a metal. Not a lot of physical properties in common!

Chemical properties--there are similarities.

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Q: What are the physical properties shared by the Nitrogen family?
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What are the shared properties of the nitrogen family?

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Are Physical properties and chemical properties the same?

No. Physical properties are things like boiling point and hardness; Chemical properties have to do with outer electron shells and how they're shared with other elements.

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Four physical properties shared by the metallic elements are that they are ductile, malleable, have good thermal conductivity, and have a metallic luster. They are also good conductors of electricity.

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What is the total number of electrons in nitrogen?

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In diatomic nitrogen how many electrons are shared between the nitrogen atoms?

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These properties are: luster, malleability, ductility, conductivity, hardness, resilience, elasticity, shear modulus, etc.

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