

What are the signs of someone being bullied?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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depression, quietness, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts, low morale, school grades going down, and so on.

Mainly the signs are

1. A light look on the face like they are trying to smile but not

2. person would spend a lot of the time moping or hibernating in their room

3. Mood swings

4. people seem to be "outcasts"

5. Loss of interest, or excluding them selves from activities that interest them.

6. getting rid of all of possessions

7. statements like "no one likes me, I hate my life.... etc.....

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First, you should tell an a adult if you see someone being bullied or is being bullied Note: STOP BULLYING

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No, you should always tell someone if you or someone you know is being bullied.


I stood up for the person, but you can tell someone who cn if you cant.

What can you do if you are being bullied by a bully? tell someone that you're being bullied like a parent/guardian,teacher or even a principal. can also just ignore the bully

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you just get bullied again and again. that's Wat bullying is. but you need to tell someone if u are getting bullied don't stay quiet or things can get worse sometimes.

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someone who is being told what to do but they dont want to and threterning them if they dont do as they are told by them.

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no one should be bullied because they play hockey but if you are and this is the cause of it then you should if you think the bulling is getting to you . if you are being bullied please tell someone

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never bully someone that bullied you because you know how it feels.