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Usually will make a mould of your mouth top and bottom. Then a week before your appointment to get braces he will put spacers in which are little bands that go in between your teeth. A week later he will put the braces in. That's mine and my friends experiences although i didn't have any extractions so I missed that bit out.


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Q: What are the steps that an orthodontists takes to put in braces?
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Why do some dentists put braces on patients if they are not orthodontists?

If you are going to pay the high cost for braces then go to the orthodontist, most dentist may have qualifications but aren't as equipped to handle your needs.

Do they break a teeth to put braces?

No, orthodontists do not break teeth to apply braces to your teeth. However, if the orthodontist has determined that your mouth is overcrowded, it may be necessary to have some teeth extracted if they will interfere with the plan of correction. Once the braces are put on and the teeth begin to shift, they will gradually fill in the spaces where the other teeth were.

What kind of doctors take care of your teeth?

dentists take care of your teeth regularly, but orthodontists are the doctors who put on, fix, and take off braces and retainers and stuff like that.

When you initially have your braces put on and everything was paid for and you broke a wire on your braces would there be a charge to repair?

most orthodontists would not charge for a repair unless you were having chronic problems breaking things. it costs the office to replace these items, but usually a repair or two is not going to cost more than you have already paid.

How do orthodontists know where to put braces on your teeth?

when a orthodontist is trained , they are trained to fix mallocusions and irregular bites , when they look at how a patients teeth fit together( occlusion) they need to pull teeth into specific positions they then glue a bra\cket on a tooth where it needs to be straightened or aligned , when the teeth ae aligned an the wire that is remove form the braces is a perfect c shape the braces can be removed

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

When dentists put the braces on does it hurt?

Unfortunately, yes. The braces hurt for about 3-4 days after you get them on. The pain does not start immediately, it usually takes about an hour or two for the pain to settle in.

Can hygienist put braces on patients?

No you have too see a outhodontist and they put on your brace for you

Are there any virtual games that you can put braces on people?

try to type in virtual braces put on

What do you put on your braces if they are rubbing?

If your braces are hurting or rubbing it would be sensible to put vegetable wax or vaseline on them.

Is it easier to put on braces if you have gaps?

yes you should get braces for gaps

Will a dentist put braces on if you have cavities?

A dentist will not apply braces if you have cavities.