

What are the symptoms of trichinosis?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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Extreme sensitivity to light, feeling of impending doom (when severe), swelling around eyes, unexplainable severe pain at the site of infection, fatigue, extreme shaking when they start to feed(again when severe), loss of speech, fever, intense weakness, muscle aches, possible mental confusion, irregular heartbeat if there is heart involvement, difficulty with coordination - possibly lose the ability to drive temporarily.

Unfortunately been there done that; it can last for a looong time too, like a year or two.

The only cure that I know of that for sure works once it has invaded muscle tissue is Pyrantel Pomoate (over the counter PIN-X). Must re-treat any time symptoms come back as it does not kill larvae. I had to take it every day for months and months and months, expensive but obviously life saving so very worth it! I can't say I recommend this though because it had side effects on me personally and I'm obviously not a doctor. Just relaying a personal experience for those interested.

P.S. Doctors are NOT well trained to identify this.

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How long do trichinosis symptoms last?

The symptoms of trichinosis are at their most severe at about three weeks after infection, and decrease very slowly in their severity. Recovery is extremely gradual, and symptoms may last for as long as three months.

What are serious cases of trichinosis?

In very severe cases of trichinosis, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis ), lungs (pneumonitis), or brain (encephalitis) may occur. These symptoms can lead to the few deaths caused by trichinosis.

What are some symptoms of the trichinosis disease?

Trichinosis disease is a parasitic disease that is caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game that has been infected with the larvae of roundworm. Some of the symptoms of trichinosis are fever, chills, muscle soreness and pain, itching and joint pain. It also can cause intestinal and abdominal discomfort such as diarrhea and nausea.

What are the first symptoms of trichinosis?

the initial symptoms will be caused by the presence of the adult worms in the intestine. These symptoms usually include fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and perhaps vomiting.

What are the stage two symptoms of trichinosis?

symptoms that affect the whole body (systemic symptoms), such as fever; swelling of the face and the area around the eyes; rash; bleeding into the nail beds, retina, and whites of the eyes; and cough.

How is trichinosis diagnosed?

An initial diagnosis of trichinosis relies heavily on the presence of its classic symptoms--swelling around the eyes, muscle inflammation, fever, and high levels of a certain type of white blood cell (eosinophils)--coupled with the patient's history.

How long does trichinosis last?

The symptoms begin about one to two days after eating the contaminated meat, and may last for a week or so.

Is trichinosis a parasite?

Trichinosis is infection with the roundworm Trichinella spiralis

How can you prevent trichina?

Trichinosis is disease caused by ingestion of the Trichinella spiralis, a species of roundworm, larva in undercooked pork. Trichinosis can be prevented by irradiation of pork or cooking pork until it has sustained an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 15 seconds or a lower temperature for an extended period of time. Symptoms of Trichinosis include fever, edema, sore muscles, and ocular hemorrhaging.

How many people die from trichinosis?

The mortality rate of trichinosis is about 1%

Is there a test for men with trichinosis?

The blood test that is the most specific for trichinosis is the bentonite flocculation (BF) test.

What phobia is the fear of trichinosis?
