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Einstein did not "invent" anything, in the sense that he developed a useful object. He was, instead, a theoretical physicist, who developed laws of nature. By statute, these can not be patented for commercial use.

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Q: What are the things that Albert Einstein invented?
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3 things that Albert Einstein invented?


Was the things albert Einstein invented better for the world?

Einstein invented nothing. He wrote theories as to how the universe works.

Did Albert Einstein invent lots of things?

Yes Albert Einstein invented alot of things you could research all of the inventions that he made by using google :)

What did Albert Einstein in invented in science?

many thing alot of things

What were some things that Albert Einstein invented?

The equation E=mc2 he invented nuclear fission and many other things

Did Albert Einstein invent the wovel?

yes Albert Einstein invented the wovel

What Albert Einstein envent?

Albert Einstein did envent things

What are 10 things Albert Einstein invented?

He invented the a refrigerator compressor having no moving parts, so it needed no seals.

How invented the ROM?

Albert Einstein

Who invented the emulator?

Albert Einstein.

Was Albert Einstein a good inventor?

Albert Einstein was a very good inventor. He invented many things for the USA to use and for his hometown too. He also helped scientists and invented thing for battles with other countries and this is when he lived in the USA.

What did invented Albert Einstein?

he invented science and become a scientist