

What are three advantages to using alternative energy?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Free fuel costs forever

No pollution

Local power generation reduces the need for foreign energy imports

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Q: What are three advantages to using alternative energy?
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Two of the advantages of using fossil fuel include reliability and existing engines. Reliability is that they will produce energy once certain circumstances are in place, and most modern machines are tooled for fossil fuels. It would be an expensive retooling to accommodate an alternative fuel.

How do you use alternative energy in a sentence?

We are interested in increasing our use of alternative energy, and have been considering getting solar panels for our house. Alternative energy tax credits may mean that the cost will be lower when we get a tax rebate after buying solar panels.

Where would solar energy be good alternative to using fossil fuels?

solar energy would be a good alternitive energy

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There are many advantages to using animal waste as an energy source. The most obvious advantage being that it is freely available.

Why is it important that you use alternative energy source?

Because by using alternative energy sources, we cut down on the use of fossil fuels, which are bad for the environment and will run out with overuse.

What are the alternative energy resources an alternative to?

Alternative energy resources such as solar power, wind power, etc, are an alternative to using fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas. The benefits of using alternative energy are immense, the impact of using coal, oil and natural gas on global warming and the environment are devastating. Additionally, by using alternative energy resources we are saving the natural resources for future generations. (my hubby is a solar manager, and we are proud to be a part of this growing market that has helped create jobs during the tough economic times and keeps big companies like PG&E from making ALL of the money from consumers, basically having a monopoly on who we receive our energy from. Solar power can actually be converted and sold back to energy companies) :)

What are the advantages of energy?

There are many advantages that we can consider.You can cook food,can ride your bike or drive cars.Everything is coming from energy. Factories, industries are using a lot of energy to get their work done.

What is an alternative to using fossil fuels?

hydro energy.Nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy tide and thermal energy are a few that come to mind.