

What battle did the British introduce the tank?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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In September 1916 at the Battle of the Somme.

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Tanks were first used in WW1.

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Q: What battle did the British introduce the tank?
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What battles did the British introduce the tank?

In September 1916 at the Battle of the Somme.

Who was the first battle tank designed by?

British 1916

Who invented the mark one tank?

There were many different people responsible for creating the Mark I Tank. Most were British engineers. The tank first entered battle against the Germans in 1916, at the Battle of Flers-Corselette.

When was the first tank used?

The first tank to engage in battle was designaed D1, British Mark 1, in the battle of Flers Cousellette on September 15, 1916

Which vehicle was introduced in 1916 from the British army?

That would the Mk. I tank, which was not the first battle tank ever designed, but the first to go into mass production.

Who invented the tank in world war 2?

the british invented, and introduced it at the battle of somme

How was the battle fought alamein?

The Battle of El Alamein was a tank and artillery battle between the British Eighth Army led by Bernard Montgomery and the German Afrika Corps led by Erwin Rommel.

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Russia's siege that ended the war in Europe

Which is the best Main battle tank?

Most of the major western nations have very good main battle tanks.The challenger 2 which is the british main battle tank should not be overlooked as it was the only main battle tank operating in the invasion of Iraq not to suffer a single operational loss. The British Challenger 2 is really the best tank despite fierce opposition. Opinions will always vary, with the test conditions provided. The fortitude and intent of the driver and crew makes the real difference. and the abrams m1 a2 sep is way better than britsh challenger

What country destroyed the black baron tank?

Various stories here but you can bet on the UK. Veterans on the scene of the battle attributed the kill of Michael Wittman's Tiger tank to 17 pounder guns from a British or Canadian Firefly. French recovery teams documented the tank's hull number after the battle and believed it to have been destroyed by an aerial rocket which would have come from a British Hurricane

When was Abrams Battle Tank created?

Abrams Battle Tank was created in 1988.

When did Abrams Battle Tank happen?

Abrams Battle Tank happened in 1988.