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Animals that reproduce without a mate produce by means of parthenogenesis. It was once believed that only plants could reproduce this way, but now it is known that some sea animals are capable of parthenogenesis.

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Production of offspring without mating is an "asexual" form of reproduction called "parthenogenesis". Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in certain plants and animals and in the latter is most frequent among invertebrates (eg aphids).

There are scientific descriptions of parthenogenesis occurring in domestic birds (turkeys, hens and pigeons) and in some finches. However it is not clear from the literature that the observed material (which produced some form of embryonic development) was finally viable and produced an adult.

Thus, for a bird to reproduce the female bird must have mated with a male bird of her species.

Note however that it is quite common for some birds to lay eggs even though they have not mated (these eggs will be infertile and will not hatch) a trait man has exploited with the humble chicken.

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Q: What are some animals that reproduce without a mate?
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Asexual Reproduction There are many different species that have the ability to reproduce without a mate. The majority are single celled organisms with a few rare cases in which multicellular organisms reproduce without a mate. There is no specific term that encapsulates the entire spectrum of these reproducers, however the term for reproducing without a mate is Asexual Reproduction. A more exact term would be Agamogenesis.

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What animal does not mate and have babies?

Of course there isn't. How would it re-produce? NO way is would be imposable.... almost..... God could do it Actually, there are animals that reproduce without mating. Some are hermaphrodites, able to fertilize their own eggs, and some reproduce asexually. One form of asexual reproduction is parthenogenesis, where female animals lay eggs that are fertile without requiring a male to fertilize them. There are so many examples, I hardly know where to begin. The classic example of a hermaphrodite is the earthworm. Others are slugs, and even certain species of fish. (Some fish are "sequential hermaphrodites," meaning that they start out life as one sex and later change to the other, but these species do mate.) Yes, there is. Mules, which are the children of a Horse and Donkey, cannot breed for whatever reason.

What is mating of animals?

It is when they reproduce or some say have sex.