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To stop a vacuum cleaner from smelling one can use a variety of items. After washing out the bag or canister one can put orange peel, vanilla extract or dryer sheets inside to release a nice smell when vacuuming.

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Q: What can be used inside a vacuum cleaner to keep it from smelling?
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DUSTOR ROBOTIC CLEANER CLEANS DUST WHICH YOUR EYES DON'T SEE You Can buy online a good commercial vacuum cleaner at dustor online shop. Dustor Robot is thorough in its work; it sweeps and even mops the floors to keep your home clean and healthy. In today’s pandemic situation, hygiene has become uttermost important. Our regular cleaning is not enough. It will surprise our eyes when the Dustor takes over cleaning. The dust which your eyes cannot see. Dustor cleans!

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Most thermal pots use a vacuum flask inside. The inner and outer walls are separated by a vacuum. The only way heat is transferred from inner to outer walls is by radiation.

Can you vacuum clean a laminate floor or is it harmful to the surface?

By using a vacuum cleaner or even a soft padded broom and keep the surface from becoming scratched, creating a dull finish. Vacuums with a brush should be avoided at all cost.