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Opinion only: Before looking for an answer to your question, let's look at some of the more common reasons that cause insomnia. Poor sleep may develop for no apparent reason; however, more than likely, there are usually one or more number of possible causes. Causes of insomnia: 1. Lack of physical activity: Regardless of one's age, the human body requires a certain degree of physical activity such as walking; jogging; exercising or whatever you are capable of doing. Whatever the activity, it should be done on a regular and consistent basis. 2. Lack of mental activity: Regardless of one's age, the human brain requires constant stimulation. If one always does the same routine activities such as watching television; playing the same electronic games, etc..; this is not stimulation. Stimulation is achieved by doing something that requires concentration such as reading a new book; taking up a new hobby, etc. 3. Sense of loneliness: Very few people can function properly without some degree of regular human contact. If left alone with your own thoughts, these thoughts will also be with you when you go to bed and try to sleep. 4. Temporary problems: Poor sleep can often be temporary resulting from stress; a work or family problem; a change of routine or even sleeping in a strange or new bed. Poor sleep in these situations usually improves in time. 5. Anxiety or depression: You may find it difficult to switch off your anxieties about work, home or personal problems. Also, poor sleep can be one of the results of depression which include, but are not necessarily limited to: low morale; lethargy; poor concentration; tearfulness and persistent negative thoughts. Depression is common. Treatment of depression or anxiety often cures poor sleep as well. 6. Concern about wakefulness: You may have become so concerned about taking an hour or more to fall asleep that it has overtaken you. Put another way, you may have subconsciously made yourself believe that you cannot fall asleep and as such, you don't. 7. Illnesses: Various illnesses keep some people awake such as illness causing pain; breathlessness; leg cramps; indigestion, a persistent cough, itch or hot flushes. 8. Stimulants: Can often interfere with sleep. Common stimulants include: * Alcohol: Many people take an alcoholic drink to help sleep; however, alcohol actually causes broken sleep and early morning wakefulness. * Caffeine: Is a stimulant and is an ingredient found in many teas; coffee; soft drinks; painkiller tablets and even chocolate. * Nicotine (from smoking) is a stimulant, and it would help not to smoke. 9. Street drugs: Drugs such as ecstasy; cocaine; cannabis and amphetamines can affect sleep. 10. Prescribed drugs:Some drugs can interfere with sleep such as diuretics (water tablets); antidepressants; steroids; some beta-blockers; some slimming tablets; painkillers containing caffeine; and some cold remedies containing pseudoephedrine. Also, if you suddenly stop taking regular sleeping tablets or other sedative drugs, this can cause a 'rebound' effect resulting in poor sleep. 11. Biological clock: Human beings have a biological clock and it tells each of us when to eat, sleep and when to wake up. In some cases, we must reset this clock to fit in more usefully with our everyday life. Now that you have seen the different factors that can contribute to insomnia (in your case, taking an hour to fall asleep and then, only sleeping for three hours), I have researched the internet on your behalf and have found a web site that provides practical tips on how to minimize or even eliminate insomnia. The web site is called Insomnia and I have placed a link to this site (Insomnia) below this window. While you are reading what is contained on this web site, don't forget the main factors that cause insomnia. Try to correlate these factors to the tips. In addition, if you would like additional information, I have suffered from insomnia at a point in my life and would be pleased to share my "success" story with you. To contact me, simply leave a note on my Message Board.

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Q: What can i do if i don't sleep well and i sleep after 1 hour and for 3 hours night?
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I made a special YouTube video on this topic if you're interested. Go on YouTube and search for Doctor Oleg why is sleeping so important. Hope it will answer your question.

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