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The best thing to do is drink alot of water and REAL cranberry juice. Go to a store like wholefoods and in the juice section there is natural juices that are not from concentrate and contain no water. They are expensive, but very worth it. Taking antibiots or diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill will clear it up to, however they lead to anti-biotic resistant UTI's which is what happened to me. After having recurrent UTI's for years, I am finally UTI free for 6 months because of natural cranberry juice and water.

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Men will normally pass these infections with no outside help. If their partners has the infection also, the problem could exist that they keep reinfecting each other. If this is a chronic problem you may wish to be checked further. You may have something more then just a low grade infection.

UTI'S are not contagious, that is just a myth and it is rare that males get UTI's but on the other hand of course it is possible. I know it is somewhat unorthodoxed for one to wash their hands before using the restroom however, if you think about it the fingers are 10 dirtiest things on the body and the main cause of bacteria entering the body. Another reason could be holding urine in too long such as having a busy job which prevents one from going when the urge is there. If one has had a catheter recently secondary to surgery or a recent hospitalization which required cauterization could be the culprit as well. If one thinks about it, it is not that hard to get bacteria in that area; one can even get one by going for a swim. Please do not assume or self diagnose and always f/u with a doctor, because it could be something more serious. Take care, Jupiter's Dawn

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Drink lots of water and fruit juice like cranberry or pomegranet, possibly go see a doctor and get some antibiotics.

Normally I don't answer these, but the previous answer of cutting off your penis is so ridiculous I just couldn't pass it up without worrying that someone would actually try it.

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Q: How do you get rid of a Urinary Tract infection for a man?
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Is Ural a good treatment for a urinary tract infection?

Ural is good to relieve the symptoms of a UTI but you really need antibiotics to get rid of the infection

How long do you get rid of yeast infection if you drink cranberry juice?

Cranberry juice is for a urinary tract infection (recent studies show this may not really have an effect.) For a yeast infection you need to get medication, Monostat is an over the counter cure.

Does a UTI stop you from having menstrual periods?

No, a urinary track infection doesn't stop you from having menstrual periods. Menstruation is controlled by your menstrual cycle, hormonal changes throughout your reproductive organs, it has absolutely nothing to do with your urinary tract or bladder.

Can a male give a male a urinary tract infection?

It is less likely but absolutely possible, and the same bacteria that infect the urinary tract, or yeast, can also infect the anal region. Two men should always wear condoms when having sex, and if you know that you have something, you should avoid sex until you are cured.

Urinary Tract Infections: Symptoms and Treatment?

Urinary tract infections are infections that affect any part of the urinary tract, though they most often start in the urethra and bladder before affecting the kidneys. In the bladder or urethra, urinary tract infections are not particularly dangerous. However, they can easily spread to the kidneys, causing serious complications. The symptoms of urinary tract infection differ depending on which part of the urinary tract is affected. Lower urinary tract infections often cause a burning sensation and/or pain when urinating. They can also cause discolored urine from presence of blood, pelvic pain, rectal pain, frequent urination, passing small amounts of urine despite urgency and cloudy urine. Kidney infections, which happen when a bladder or urethra infection spread to the kidneys, produce more severe symptoms. They can include fever, nausea, vomiting and back pain. Painful, burning and frequent urination are often still present as well. It is recommended for people experiencing urinary tract infections to see a doctor for an antibiotic. This is because many urinary tract infections will not go away on their own and can worsen with time. The doctor will typically prescribe an antibiotic and possibly a urinary pain reliever. In the event that a kidney infection has occurred, intravenous treatment may be necessary. Sometimes hospitalization is even necessary, depending on the extent of the infection. Home treatment is not recommended for urinary tract infections. However, there are some things an individual can do to help the medicine along and relieve their discomfort during the infection. Drinking plenty of fluids is the best ways to help the body get rid of an infection in the urinary tract. Water or sugar-free juice is best. A hot pad on the lower abdomen can help relieve bladder discomfort. Lastly, wearing loose, clean clothing and showering daily can help as well. The cause of urinary tract infections is bacteria making its way into the urinary tract. These bacteria may flush out on their own or go away before they even begin to multiply. However, they can also take root and multiply quickly. The most common bacterial cause of urinary tract infections is E. coli. Women are more likely to be infected through intercourse and because of the proximity of the anus to the urethra.

What can you drink to get rid of a urineray tract infection?

Water. Cranberry juice is also claimed to be beneficial.

What would cause a burning sensation when urinating and hardly anything to be passed?

The symptoms are similar to a Urinary Tract Infection. The way to treat it is to try and flush the infection out by drinking A LOT of much as you can take. You can buy urinary alkalizers from a chemist or supermarket which won't treat the infection but make you more comfortable. Garlic tablets and cranberry can be helpful also. If these methods don't get rid of the problem within a day, then seek medical help.

What can you do to rid urinary tract infection caused by e coli after 3 weeks of antibiotics?

rule out MRSA and VRSA, reconfirm. You'd have to me more specific on the antibiotics you've taken. a hospital can do all this. so if you're asking here, you haven't asked your doctor, or it's not a UTI

What are the signs of a urinary tract infection?

The most common symptoms of an uncomplicated urinary tract infection (cystitis) include burning or pain when urinating (dysuria), feeling the need to go all the time (frequency), the feeling of suddenly needing to go (urgency), and a feeling of incomplete emptying. These symptoms, in combination with a positive urine test are highly suggestive of simple cystitis. Upper urinary tract infections (pyelonephritis) can include many of these same symptoms, but more frequently include fever, chills and sometimes back pain as the infection has ascended into the kidneys. Symptoms of urinary tract infection include frequent urination, painful burning sensations when urinating, pain in the pelvic area or back, strong smelling, cloudy or blood stained urine and occasionally fever. Blood in the urine is one of the surest signs.

What should you do if you are experiencing a urinary tract infection?

You should increase your fluids, especiall acidic ones like citrus or cranberry juices. If your symptoms don't resolve in 24 hours you need to be seen by your doctor for antibiotics as the infection could easily move from your bladder to your kidneys and then you could be looking at hospitalization.

Do you need to be sexually abstinent if you have a urinary tract infection?

Yes you do. If not you will give it to your partner and then they will give it back to you. You will never get rid of it. It is not a sexually transmitted illness. It's caused by bacteria being introduced into the urethra by intercourse. You can do things to prevent it. Like washing before sex, urination after intercourse. Make sure you drink enough water.

E. coli in urinary tract infections?

A bladder infection can be caused by many things such as: The most common cause of UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) are bacteria from the bowel that live on the skin near the rectum or in the vagina which can spread and enter the urinary tract through the urethra. Once these bacteria enter the urethra they travel upwards causing infection in the bladder and sometimes other parts of the urinary tract. That is why it is important to wipe front to back. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections because the female anatomy can make women more prone to urinary tract infections. During sexual intercourse bacteria in the vaginal area is sometimes massaged into the urethra by the motion of the penis. Women who change sexual partners or begin having sexual intercourse more frequently may experience bladder or urinary tract infections more often than women in monogomus relationships. Some women get a urinary tract infection every time they have sex. That is why it is important to wash after intercourse, drink water and urinate to get rid of any bacteria that may be there. Waiting too long to urinate or holding it can also be a cause. The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting very long past the time you first feel the need to urinate causes the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity which over time can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder which may increase the risk of urinary tract infection or bladder infection. Pregnancy, having past menopause, diabetes, uncleanliness, perfumes/soaps, douching, yeast infections/other infections, not properly treated from past UTI and just continually reoccurring, STD's are also other possible causes.